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Everything posted by Mazer1010

  1. Mazer1010

    DayZ Stories

    A Bandit's Tale: MazeR, a small-time bandit, was sifting through some apartments across from the hospital when his radio crackled. A group of 3, or maybe it was 4, survivors were hunkered down in the fire station and giving directions to an injured friend to come meet them. MazeR figured these people were being way too careless to have had much fighting experience and decided that this was his chance to make a name for himself as a master bandit. But even fighting people this inexperienced, he would need more ammunition for his gun -- the makarov wouldn't cut it against 4 survivors. MazeR crouch-ran from the apartments to some medical tents a few blocks away where he figured he could find some ammunition. When he reached the tents, he sat outside for a bit and watched for movement. Those survivors were still trying to direct their friend to their location so MazeR figured he had time to spare. And then he saw it. Another bandit, about 40-50 meters away and wielding a winchester, crouch-walking out of one tent and into another. This was perfect, MazeR would take his fellow bandit by surprise, kill him with the makarov and take his shotgun. Those 4 survivors won't stand a chance against me! MazeR thought as he ran across the street and into the tent-compound, heart racing with anticipation for the kill. But little did MazeR know, he had been spotted a few minutes earlier as he had approached the tents and in his excitement, he didn't notice the second bandit circling around from another tent. MazeR ran into the tent that he saw the first bandit enter and quickly looked around. He spotted the enemy crouch-walking out the far exit of the tent and turning left. MazeR exited the way he came and made a right to try to head off his opponent but he was nowhere to be seen. Could he have climbed that ladder that fast? MazeR thought. He ran up to the ladder and looked up, no sign of the bandit. FTHHHPTT! The shot missed. The bandit must have turned back the way he came when I went around! MazeR turned to face his attacker and then realized with horror that one opponent had become two. He lowered to one knee, steadied his makarov and emptied a clip into the first bandit's torso and head, killing him immediately. But before he could even drop his empty clip, the second bandit fired a round from his high-powered rifle, knocking MazeR to the ground. MazeR was panicking and losing blood fast as the second bandit calmly approached his friend, knelt down, and started rifling through his possessions. After some time, the bandit stood up and walked over to MazeR who was struggling to crawl away while going in and out of consciousness. The bandit slowly raised his rifle and aimed at MazeR's head. The shot that follwed rang out through the streets of Chernogorsk. Zombies across the town turned their heads and grunted, but most were too far away to bother. While the bandit searched through what little gear MazeR had, his radio crackled, it was one of those survivors who MazeR had hoped to kill: "Who's shooting in Cherno?"