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Everything posted by Tely

  1. Tely

    Looking for a gaming PC

    If you plan on assembling yourself I'd be more than happy to talk parts with you, like the guy above me said though, we need to know where you're from and what part stores you have there if not in the US.
  2. Tely

    poisioning items

    Think about it, if you found an enemy base poison their food supply awesome.
  3. Tely

    Idea: Fireman's lift/carry.

    I'd love to be able to pick up a unconsious buddy or even foe and carry them away to a different location where I could help/torture them.
  4. Tely

    Silencers that dont attract zombies.

    I've noticed that zombies can hear me from practically completly across town with a suppressor on and I know they should be able to hear the direction but they can literally come find me even if I fire and go inside a building while out of sight. This needs to be worked on some what, send them in the direction and when thy get say 300m from their starting location the stop turn a random direction and look for 2-3 seconds looking for a target, if none is found they continue to run in said direction they were runing maybe one or 2 times and stop and look for something to attack/eat again. after a 3d time they give up and wonder for a minute before becoming dormant again waiting for something else.
  5. Tely

    Speciall towns and cities

    I was thinking about paintballs being in game and I got to thinking about how they're placed. Say a store kind of like the grocery store but a bit bigger think,Walmart, cosco style huge store and there are say 3-4 on the map 2 in large cities, one in a smaller but not small city on the coast, and one say the northwest area. These stores could be mostly the same on the outside but internally they're different and not the same each time, think helicopter crash sites, the stores internal layout changes with each server restart. The layout of the store determines the loot. If it was a Cosco it's be mainly food and in bulk, if it was Big 5 It'd be more sporting and spawn tents, bats and a few civ guns, shotgun 1911 and such. I know it's not exactly what you're talking about but it'd add SOMe variety to a town not a lot but some.
  6. Tely

    special rounds for shotguns

    Fleshettes are something I was thinking about the other day would be cool and also dragons breath for the shotgun.
  7. Tely

    Making Trucks actually useful

    I'd like to see one where you could open the back doors and have 2 people posibly shoot out of or even the cargo transport where people could stand in the bacck and shoot out of and be shot in the back of. Think of it as a zombie drive by/ hit squad transport lol.
  8. Tely

    Alcohol and Intoxication

    omg you could also cut in and out or somehow lose the abality to speak corectly in ingame chat.
  9. How about night servers just don't have the option to adjust them? full cycle day and night servers you can but night only servers you can't. I know people who go to those servers just to loot since no one uses them and the ones that do use the gamma and brightness tricks.
  10. Tely

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    A bike, this is what I've wanted since I knew how to play hardly at all. the only thing I absolutely need in game. Have say 2 or 3 varients, 20 inch kids bike, think BMX stlyle, a old classic schwinn, girls bike style with the sissy type bars so you don't bash your man goods, and a like 21 speed style bike, thin tires not very durrable but on a road, fast. Now the only requirement I have for these is, they need a bell add on like how guns can add say a silencer or but stock. I want to be able to ride around on a private shard with a old style schwinn and ring the crap out of that bell and attract zombies, since they're attracted to sounds and see how many I can get before I die.
  11. Tely

    Dyeing (clothes / backpacks)

    I think this could be a very nice but simple addition, expand on it later if you'd like, kind of like putting camo on a mosin. I'd like the abality to make my character look more in the way I feel like I'd like it to look, it adds more of a this is mine sort of feel and make your character unique.
  12. Tely

    Dead players turn to zombies?

    Sounds like a nice idea, a players body turns into a active zombie after 1 minutes if e died to a zombie or while bleeding from a zombie wound, even if a player did the last bit of damage to said injured player.
  13. Tely


    I completely agree 100% with seasons but I also think they should reflect real life time line of the reigon. You play in the Us and it's winter then it's winter, if you play in South Africa and it's summer it's summer. Run these the full season and like 3-4 weeks before the next season the clotes for that season start to spawn, not before, that way people can't hoard them, some will but mostly people wouldn't because there's better stuff to hoard. Id' like to see say zombies arm say fall of or legs freeze and once they see you they snap off because they're trying so violently to get you and they become a crawler.
  14. Tely

    Lethal Creatures

    I agree with all but the small animals that can kill you,rattle snake and spiders, they'd be too small to target and if there was server lag you'd be dead. Larger animals even mountain lions and packs of wild dogs would be great additions to the game, hell you could even run into the occasional zombie version.
  15. Tely

    Nuclear area

    Simple, put it off the map in the water make a new island and that's how the radiation didn't radiate everything. However the few towns that are close have small and increasing ammounts the closer you get.
  16. Tely

    Paint ball guns, in game.

    Me and my clan were talking about this the other night. We didn't go into much ideas about the logistics of it but we thought paintball guns would be awesome for say clan matches that way no one loses the gear and loot they've gotten. First thought was simple, play with friends and no one dies loses gear/loot. Second thought, bright color paint balls neon pink green yellow and such, add in a rare type say glow in the dark. Make these in a redesigned building in say 4 major towns and those are the only locations that can spawn the glow in the dark paint balls but regular colors you can find at any old place. Last thought, make the paint balls color on player persist until the rain washes it off. So if you've gotten lit up with glow in the dark and then you've got to go defend some place or something like that you're still sticking out until you get wet or rained on to wash it off. I think this would be a decently big thing on clan servers or private shards and thought I'd share my personal ideas on it.