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About Bruderlos

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  1. Bruderlos

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Can confirm that KOS still works in 0.59exp, so would you people now stop "testing" it pls and let me try the new stuff? Whine done, check. Some testing to come, hopefully.
  2. Bruderlos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Tried to tan a rabbit pelt with a whole bag of lime in a barrel. After 25 min(no restart) the barrel was empty. Was it pelt to lime ratio, is the process that time critical or is it a bug? Pretty remote location and no signs of player activity in the area. Rabbitsnares could degrade a bit slower. Btw 1 kill in 600 hours, he wounded me and kept chasing me with a crossbow, emptied half a sportermag into him and don't feel sorry for it.
  3. Bruderlos

    Sniper's weapon of choice

    Voted for Sporter (with Hunting Scope) but that is due to the fact that the only thing i snipe for is the infecteds legs. Making them crawl prevents respawn/agro and ensures happy looting. For hunting animals i would prefer Blaze or Longhorn. But i see that most of you guys here prey on animals of the twolegged kind...
  4. Bruderlos

    Hidden Villages

    True, mapdesigners created a beautifull village there. Somewhat close to a military installation and the crowd it attracts though.
  5. Bruderlos

    Trashbag+Rope = Trashbackpack

    Trashbags or carrying bags from stores would be a nice addition indeed. Find pristene ones in the stores or grab damaged, maybe even contaminated ones from dustbins. They shouldn't be hard to find just like irl. Combined with rope and/or tape you should be able to create a lot of things like: -improvised raincoat -improvised watercontainment -improvised backpack/courier bag -improvised tarp -??? They should deteriorate rather quick but could be very usefull as a freshspawn.
  6. Bruderlos

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    @-newui cannot use ingame-map cannot put military knife in military boots the relatively new feature where we could see the compassdirection in the fast-access line of the inventory is gone no mouseover information + tiny pictures make it hard to decide which items to pick up/drop Picking up stuff that is partially stuck in the ground is difficult now as we cant move with inventory open. Heatpacks aren't degrading? tested twice, they were still in worn condition after use but could't be reused.
  7. Bruderlos

    Expanded Craftable items

    With weapons now degrading a boresnake would be nice, crafted from rags + rope + wire.
  8. If it is true that you can break out of the cuffs while unconscious it either should be fixed or it's is a workaround for the problem i was seeing. I couldn't tell as i never was in that situation. Good discussion though, i appreciate that.
  9. We sure disagree on playstyle and i could have told that from your avatar as i'm proly not as relaxed as Jeff Lebowski but way more relaxed than Walter. (<=You made me find an avatar, ty for that) But that's just fine, would be boring if there were only clones of myself around here. Only real issue i see here is the possibility to take total control of another players character as you could keep him from respawning by waking and knocking him out again inside the given timerperiod, forcing the timer to restart. The only way out is leaving the server and hoping the torturer gets bored and leaves the scene or the character will die. If it's a public server that players 1pps or 3pps character would be locked for all other public servers. In my opinion the consequences are quite harsh for any player that only has a very limited amount of time for playing per session.
  10. Bruderlos

    Compass always wrong?

    Compass seemed to work just fine on .54 exp, so there is hope.
  11. Bruderlos

    Crafted Leather cloths

    I tried crafting all the items just to take a look at them but i mainly use the vest and backpack, sometimes the pants. Those moccasins wear down pretty fast or is that just my impression? The hat looks !"#¤ indeed. That racoonhat would be nice, maybe with an old kentucky rifle, just joking as i know it wouldn't fit the setting of the game. I would like that vest even better if the clipping issue with the raincoat was resolved. My impression is that the leather outfit has terrible camovalues (vs infected/animals) if there is such a thing. Can anyone confirm that or is it just paranoia?
  12. So far my characters have never been handcuffed and/or tortured and i surely would hit "respawn" if i had the chance in that kind of situation. It's a game and it is supposed to be entertaining and i wouldn't enjoy being knocked unconscious, woken up after 3 min just to get knocked unconscious again and after 3 min....as this could go on without end and without being able to respawn at all if you would use some mechanism like a simple timer. I agree that this would give you a tiny taste of how it is to be tortured and to be at someones mercy but i think you guys should be content with your possibilities that are already in the game (like forcefeeding, poisoning, restraining) when it comes to doing weird stuff to other players.
  13. Bruderlos

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Finally got in the game, was all alone on a UK 3pps-server. First impressions: The startscreen seems quite slow,i thought the game had crashed when it had not. When clicking a button there could be more feedback on what the client does (trying to connect), in my opinion that blinking of the activated button is hard to see (more delta or changing colour f.eks.). Green peppers take 2 bites now, but there's no "eat all"-option. Did they fix the issues with compasses or was it just luck? I tried both classic and new compass and they seemed to work when compared to the sun+time of day. Are there any crafting recipes for animal lard yet? I tried to use it with rags, bandages, boots and knives but without success, only option i see is to eat it. I was quite dissapointed to see that the waterskinn needs 2 slots and holds only half a liter of liquid, imho it should be 0.5 liter and 1 slot or 2 slots and at least 0.75liter.
  14. Bruderlos

    Meat. what does it say when its get cooked.

    You have to watch the food as its colour changes to a more brown texture, when it does that its cooked. Last time i tried on .53 it took 1 minute. Damn...got ninjad.
  15. Bruderlos

    Primitive equipment: possibilities and such

    Should be possible to take a piece of metal + tape + a stone for sharpening and craft a knife/machete/sword. I wonder why there aren't any grindstones in the rural areas anyway. I would expect that people who own an axe would have some kind of grindstone, but then they got canned food and no canopeners... A knife + tape/rope would make a spear, some nails + baseball bat = spiked club and so on. I would love to see much more of that instead of more and more military grade firearms.