First of all. I have been following Dayz Standalone since its inception as a standalone. I was not however one of the first to purchase. Over the past two years I saw it grow slowly. But these past 8 months my Laptop has been incapable of playing this game, and have been watching it grow via a youtuber called K3nste. From what I have seen its been steady progress. I have just made a PC on a budget, with a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k, with this I can now play Dayz to my hearts content. Now that I have had a couple of days to get used to it and the new surroundings I have to admit I am impressed. The new buildings in the airfield in the North East, new towns littered about (I know they've been around a while). A whole new amount of loot and craft-able items. Survival to me has become incredibly hard when it rains. I think maybe too hard for fresh spawns. I don't know if the developers are aware of this, but Ive only been able to make headway into the surviving, is when i'm lucky on a server that has not been looted in my area, and its not raining. I applaud this harder complex way of survival. But when you spawn fresh in the middle of nowhere when its raining. I just look for the highest building and jump off, because its too hard for a fresh spawn when you are damp as it turns into a viscous cycle. Like I said, I don't think the concept or the execution is wrong here, I just feel that the fresh spawned people should be given a chance in a harsher climate, I.E spawning with a Full raincoat and basic fireplace materials, but you don't get a torch... ? Just a suggestion to help the newbie characters without making their spawn OP compared to a sunny day spawn. I don't want a load of haters on this, some critical feedback is welcome. But I just think that as a fresh spawn your character is a little F*@#ed when you spawn in the open and its raining. Other than that I find it easy enough when I have made a headway into it. I would like to go back to the improvements I have seen. To me there is so much more now, which I love. Originally it was a simple process in Dayz to survive. It was spawn, look around for Food Water Ammunition Gun Tin-opener Rucksack. You were set. Now there's a load more I have to think about, warmth which is wood, therefore I need an axe, matches, clothing I wear. Its more complex now which I love and can see being really good in the future. I'm loving the game at the moment, unless its raining and im fresh, but everything else seems very good, I know there are some major bugs like swimming, which now there's a prison island involved might be more annoying than ever, but that will be fixed over time. I have to say I am very impressed with the work and it is good work along with high quality stuff. Now that I have a powerful PC I can really appreciate the intensity they've gone into with the textures of the buildings and the items when in the inventory. Its to me reached a point where I can enjoy the game and now give feedback on what I feel works with gameplay. Ive never been a bug tester or finder, but I feel I am capable of playing something and giving good feedback rather than just bashing it.