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About Whipidhinio

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Whipidhinio


    I have to say there's been some great responses. I will add though I do know most things about the game as like I said, I have been keeping up to date with the additions through K3nste, and having played it a while back. So I am not a complete novice or stick in the mud when it comes to starting. I did not know however that the animals guts could be used, and now I have learnt something to my arsenal. I would like to reiterate my finite point though of the fresh spawn whilst raining. I want to emphasise not on the lack of surviving tools or techniques, as I know some and you guys have said as well, there are plenty when you spawn. Its more to do with the immediacy of getting those techniques done, the very beginning of spawning its raining its going to be raining all day, im absolutely nowhere and there's no loot whatsoever. Which has happened to me more than once. That's the small thing I would like to see adjusted. I can only really suggest a raincoat on spawn without going over the top. But I think that would be enough for anyone to get past that steep incline there is occasionally. Do you guys agree? Just a small tiny help on those occasions? Or Disagree, do you think im jumping the gun and there's no trending issue? On a side note, Is it about time we dispensed with the torch (flashlight) as I have never felt the need to have one....
  2. Whipidhinio


    First of all. I have been following Dayz Standalone since its inception as a standalone. I was not however one of the first to purchase. Over the past two years I saw it grow slowly. But these past 8 months my Laptop has been incapable of playing this game, and have been watching it grow via a youtuber called K3nste. From what I have seen its been steady progress. I have just made a PC on a budget, with a GTX 970 and an i5 4690k, with this I can now play Dayz to my hearts content. Now that I have had a couple of days to get used to it and the new surroundings I have to admit I am impressed. The new buildings in the airfield in the North East, new towns littered about (I know they've been around a while). A whole new amount of loot and craft-able items. Survival to me has become incredibly hard when it rains. I think maybe too hard for fresh spawns. I don't know if the developers are aware of this, but Ive only been able to make headway into the surviving, is when i'm lucky on a server that has not been looted in my area, and its not raining. I applaud this harder complex way of survival. But when you spawn fresh in the middle of nowhere when its raining. I just look for the highest building and jump off, because its too hard for a fresh spawn when you are damp as it turns into a viscous cycle. Like I said, I don't think the concept or the execution is wrong here, I just feel that the fresh spawned people should be given a chance in a harsher climate, I.E spawning with a Full raincoat and basic fireplace materials, but you don't get a torch... ? Just a suggestion to help the newbie characters without making their spawn OP compared to a sunny day spawn. I don't want a load of haters on this, some critical feedback is welcome. But I just think that as a fresh spawn your character is a little F*@#ed when you spawn in the open and its raining. Other than that I find it easy enough when I have made a headway into it. I would like to go back to the improvements I have seen. To me there is so much more now, which I love. Originally it was a simple process in Dayz to survive. It was spawn, look around for Food Water Ammunition Gun Tin-opener Rucksack. You were set. Now there's a load more I have to think about, warmth which is wood, therefore I need an axe, matches, clothing I wear. Its more complex now which I love and can see being really good in the future. I'm loving the game at the moment, unless its raining and im fresh, but everything else seems very good, I know there are some major bugs like swimming, which now there's a prison island involved might be more annoying than ever, but that will be fixed over time. I have to say I am very impressed with the work and it is good work along with high quality stuff. Now that I have a powerful PC I can really appreciate the intensity they've gone into with the textures of the buildings and the items when in the inventory. Its to me reached a point where I can enjoy the game and now give feedback on what I feel works with gameplay. Ive never been a bug tester or finder, but I feel I am capable of playing something and giving good feedback rather than just bashing it.