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Everything posted by outlawxxable

  1. outlawxxable


    THE ONLY THING REALISTIC IN THIS MOD IS THE GUNS. Guns kill people in this mod like they would in real life: 1-2 shots and they drop. EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOT REALISTIC AT ALL. So everyone should stop replying to posts that suggest a idea that is "unrealistic" and complaining that it would be a terrible idea. Examples: You've been shot! Oh, but don't worry all you need to do is apply a bandage and you're fine! (so realistic) You've lost a ton of blood! Just have your trustworthy friend who is obviously a doctor pour a blood bag into you and instantly heal all wounds! Or you could just eat some food because food also heals all wounds. (except broken legs) Oh no! Your friend has passed out from being hurt! Just poke him with a Epi-Pen and bam! He awakes! You've broken your leg... just inject some Morphine and magically your leg is healed! No matter what has happened to it! I'm sure there are other things that are obviously unrealistic in DayZ but this is off the top of my head and I can't think of right now… but please… tell me how this mod is realistic?
  2. outlawxxable


    it still says nothing about waking an unconscious person?
  3. outlawxxable


    all I was trying to say is this mod is not as realistic as people say.
  4. outlawxxable


    lol "zombies" but it says nothing about waking someone up if unconscious...
  5. outlawxxable


    well it could be one of those pull tab ones but I'm not sure
  6. outlawxxable


    not sure if sarcasm.... but go and google epipen....
  7. outlawxxable

    Any 100% New Player Tips?

    step 1: run to cherno/electro step 2: find a lee enfield and ammo step 3: get on a roof and kill every player you see step 4: smile from all the fun
  8. I completly agree with decreasing weapon damage
  9. so came across this little bug its actually pretty cool and hope you enjoy. (yes I suck get over it lol) I'm glad most people enjoyed this video
  10. outlawxxable

    Robbed while in combat (epic fail)

    Yeah I did have a revolver in my backpack I was holding it for a friend.
  11. outlawxxable

    Truth Time Rockett

    here you go..... I wonder where Dayz came from lol http://www.zdaygame.com/index.php
  12. I get all of that gear within 30 mins... then start killing
  13. outlawxxable

    My first Kill

    I killed someone in a game i feel bad... lol such idiots
  14. I feel like Dayz is like World of Warcraft. you have 2 factions! Bandits (Horde) Survivors (Alliance) when people start off they want better GEAR everyone wants to upgrade to HIGH TIER and then at HIGH TIER people will either try survivng (PvE/raiding). PvE and Raiding consist of doing runs threw cherno/electro/north west airfield trying to get more items to survive and then go PvE more! The other thing people do after reaching HIGH TIER is PvP. when a player wants to PvP they just go to their favorite Battleground. the Battlegrounds they can select from are cherno/electro/NW airfield. At the battlegrounds players fight other players who want PvP and some that are just trying to gain HIGH TIER or are just looking for more items. SO yeah... LFM cherno raid 10 man
  15. outlawxxable


    I can survive completly fine I had 10 days then i got bored. After that I ended up convincing my friends to play now i just sit on a roof with them shooting everyone we see.
  16. outlawxxable

    LFM cherno raid (need achieve and 395 ilvl)

    uhm... a axe wielding guy in a ghillie suit? with a silenced pistol
  17. outlawxxable

    LFM cherno raid (need achieve and 395 ilvl)

    Indeed it is WoW
  18. outlawxxable


    I'm just saying it's not any fun to die from a guy you couldn't/didn't see and losing all of your gear. this is NOT PvP because PvP requires players to actually fight each other.
  19. outlawxxable


    realism is not fun at all. I agree you die to fast and it's just lame to have a mod where you lose all your stuff when you die without even a chance to fight for it. Dayz PvP takes no skill and is about who sees who first.
  20. outlawxxable

    What are bandits ?

    bandits are the enemy of survivors. so bandits are the horde and survivors are alliance
  21. outlawxxable


    sandboxes have endgame?
  22. outlawxxable

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    hmmm,.... I don't believe this. I still think PvP is what causes most deaths
  23. outlawxxable

    Loot spawn rates after 1.7.2 patch

    spawns seem normal... i went into electro hosptial got 5 bloodbags and tons of other medical supplies also found a AKM in a firehouse
  24. outlawxxable

    M1911 vs Revolver

    I was bored so I made a video of the revolver and m1911 shooting targets at 50 meters and 100