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Everything posted by outlawxxable

  1. so the players in last 24 hours is dropping but somehow unique players is increasing?
  2. DayZ is not about realism at all. there are very few things realistic in DayZ
  3. outlawxxable

    [MOON] Clan = Noobs

    so you sniped at people... and they disconnected. I think you're the "noob" here for sitting back with a sniper playing easy mode
  4. outlawxxable

    Yes another sniper post.

    It's nice to see someone else think this way
  5. ammo still replenishes on login though...?
  6. outlawxxable

    Cheater in server FR8

    the m4 silenced isn't the strongest weapon.... soooo
  7. outlawxxable

    Dayz gameplay

    the bandit hood/scarf doesn't match the rest lol.... it's so ugly also lol for playing on a server with 3 other perople someone scared of dying
  8. outlawxxable

    Some home truths for hackers/exploiters

    theres no honor being shot in the back...
  9. outlawxxable

    Low Res Textures....

    I guess Blizard should just make mists of pandaria free then because so many people bought the other expansions
  10. outlawxxable


    exactly http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32792-lfm-cherno-raid-need-achieve-and-395-ilvl/#entry315764
  11. outlawxxable

    My First Couple of Kills

    YES! we don't need these stupid long stories of how you killed someone. we don't need this "My first kill is when I shot a guy with my gun and he died." either but still
  12. outlawxxable

    Favourite weapons(s)

    lee enfield.... it's the best pvp weapon for killing in electro/cherno
  13. outlawxxable

    How To Spot A Hacker 101

    first video shows snipers ruin pvp... and creates fun experience only for the sniper
  14. No... this is DayZ a not realistic at all zombie mod
  15. I think some type of boss would be nice. but the boss should be in random areas not sitting in a dungeon/instance thing
  16. outlawxxable

    Why DayZ is the best zombie game ever

    best zombie game ever? but doesn't show anything with zombies
  17. outlawxxable

    taking out a whole squad by myself :D

    These videos are so stupid. this is not amazing at all... to me it shows how easy it is to kill someone and just proves pvp is lame and boring
  18. outlawxxable

    someone needs............

    I see no point in having a trade post. everything is so easy to get plus you can dupe the items you get meaning trade post is useless
  19. outlawxxable

    PvP should be linked to a kill counter

    This mod isn't realistic to begin with
  20. just play normal arma and get your challenge there.
  21. outlawxxable

    Car chase of a red car in DayZ

    what terrible music...
  22. outlawxxable

    Chopper battle and car chase! [VIDEO] Amazing!

    it's interesting seeing these videos because they have nothing to do with dayz really. if that debug monitor wasn't there you would think it's normal arma2
  23. outlawxxable

    Bandits, heroes and dogs, oh my...

    When hero skin comes I am creating the Heroes guild and will be the guild master
  24. outlawxxable

    4 Bandits and a Satchel ;)

    someone found A thunderdome..