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Everything posted by NativePride1973

  1. NativePride1973

    The reason behind KoS: ?

    I rarely kos and when I do its usually for either loot or because I had died recently and needed to vent out some anger. I actually don't have that much of a problem with kos'ers honestly, I mean they do add additional excitement intensity when entering and looting a city or something. I do hate it when I get randomly shot and killed just running down the road, but I highly doubt it would be that much different in a real-world apocalyptic situation. If it comes down to my survival or someone else, I would shoot first and ask questions later. Also, it makes you more aware and cautious when you do have a lot of gear. Also, to be honest, I hate the people that befriend you and act like they are friendly only to turn on you and shoot you in the back when your trying to give them something or trade.