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About zodiackilleriqt

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zodiackilleriqt

    Post Your Gear So Far

    All TTsKO outfit. Tortilla backpack. Smarsh vest with backpack attached. military boots with combat knife. rocket aviators. Green banclava. Green ballistic helmet. .... Weapons: mosin. Ak101 silenced. Pm63 rak. Makarov. .... Inside backpack: two high capacity vests each one holds mags and ammo boxes. yellow boxes of supplies and medical Stuff. In backpack only emergency stuff like binoculars. Lock picks. Morphine. Bandages. Essential items. s.vs.vest contains pm63.. shirt and pants contain mags and reloaders. I play on apocalyptoz server. Pres.Off. Name: zodiac. I have tent also full of stuff. If you meet me I might give you something cool.