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Everything posted by baunegaard

  1. baunegaard

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Are you serious? You did not pay one cent for DayZ mod, you payed for arma 2! When will people realise this? It does not matter that you only bought it for DayZ, it is still Arma 2 you have paid for. I did also buy Arma 2 because of DayZ, but i am very aware of the fact that DayZ is a FREE mod that the devs do not get paid for. So of course they should charge money for the stand-alone. Just be happy they are going for the minecraft model so you can get it cheap. I will for sure buy the stand-alone. I am for one happy that i can contribute to the stand-alone with a little money. It is well deserved after such a great FREE mod. :)
  2. baunegaard

    Arma 2 OA Has stopped working.

    Try deleting C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA\BattlEye\BEClient.dll Worked for me.
  3. First of Rocket, thank you so much for making this mod! It really is an incredibly game and i really really enjoy it a lot. I think every change you made in 1.7.1 patch is great, the zombies are a lot more fun now, more challeing, but not at all too challeing. Why is everyone whining so much about the zombies? They are alot more realistic now, and if just not run directly in to them, then it is still pretty easy to sneak around them. And thank you for at least trying with the "remove start gun". I was a little bit sceptic of the idea at first, but i think it is great that you use this Alpha period to try theese things out, i really think the feature works great. My observations is that i am less likely to be killed at the beginning of the game now as i dont have anything valuable on me. And you can still find a gun fairly quick. You are abseloutly going in the right direction with the 1.7.1 patch, and is very much looking forward to the next hotfix. This post is mostly for me to express what i think of the direction of the mod. I see tons of people flaming this new patch. I just want to say, that this is abseloutly NOT the generic opinion of the patch. I aint no hardcore Day Z player, and usually run around by myself or with 1 or 2 friends and we have a ton of fun now after the patch. Keep up the great work. And please use this alpha to try out every idea you have! It is after all what a alpha is for! Last: No you havent paid 30$ for Day Z, you have paid for Arma 2! Day Z just happens to be a free mod for the game. And yes Day Z is abseloutly free and in an alpha! So people god dammit stop whining about everything all the time. Constructic critisim is veeery good, lets make the mod better :) But i just see so many hate topics in here, i had to make a little thread about my own point of view. See you all survivors out there!