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Posts posted by Manlytears

  1. You Russians are like rats honestly, you join English only speaking servers and constantly hammer them until they either crash or de-sync like crazy, if the dev's had any sense they would I.P range ban the entire shit hole that is known as the Ukraine.

    Stop joining U.S, UK and other English speaking servers you are told time and time again to shut the fuck up with your pig language but you continue to spam side chat and text, we don't want you on our servers.

    1) Russians are on Day Z 24/7 because they don't have formal education and their parents sit them infront of video games to make them shut up

    2) Only European country that refuses to speak english and ruins videogames with your low I.Q stinky slav attitudes.

    Get the fuck off Day Z you aren't wanted and neither is your shitty ping.

    Edit: I also realise you pleb slavs won't be able to read this.

    Ебать России.

  2. 1) Bandit system needs to be reworked, if you play solo you'll never become a normal survivor because people constantly attack you.

    2) Spawn system needs work, you should have a choice of were you spawn or spawn everyone near a main city.

    3) Force first person on all servers or lower the FOV for third person (We know why you guys want third person because you don't have any skill)

    4) More RP elements

    5) Selectable player models

    6) A better map (too much useless open space)

    7) Door opening and closing sounds so you can hear people coming in

    Many more things i can't think of right now.

  3. Well for starters a one time fee is the only reasonable answer and reading the comments in this thread from certain moderators is making me cringe, I don't think I could support an indie dev team with a brony horse fucking pedo as moderator but that's just me.

    How about making your own map for Arma 2 instead of the oversized map that is 80 percent empty wasted space?

    Don't think of being serious when the mod is barely out of alpha and is incredibly unbalanced and boring due being a walking simulator.
