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lee harvey oswald

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About lee harvey oswald

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Uk Warwickshire
  1. lee harvey oswald

    TEAM rocket, Are you there?

    Two weeks is over night now, forgot that. Fact is, we did pay to play this game, I myself bought this game to play the mod, i spent money on it, people need to stop making excuses for the piss poor work.
  2. lee harvey oswald

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    Maybe they should have made it a free to test Alpha then, they should just call the game Alpha.
  3. lee harvey oswald

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    My username and the fact i see 2 weeks, and 4 fixes not dealt with is ignorance, you for real? I'm simply wondering how this is possible, you say its just an alpha, that's fair enough, its an alpha its there to test things out, but if people can't play it because of certain bugs, how will get tested out, you say they have other things they're dealing with, well, with the game now having a daily player base of 170k don't you think they should hire some more body's too help the game playable and testable in the first place? Stop with making excuses for poor work, yes this mod is great, and the thought behind it is even better, of that no doubt, but stability on it at the moment is awful, and the big point you're missing at the moment, is alot of people CAN"T ACTUALLY GET ON TO THE GAME. Do you understand now? Try and remove your head from your ass for one minute before you reply to me again.
  4. lee harvey oswald

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    Hahah, on a mod, they've had two weeks for this patch, with 4 fixes, you telling me that's going to be there problem? Are you simply retarded?
  5. lee harvey oswald

    Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team

    I ask you one simple thing dev team, if you cannot handle patches in an alpha, how do you expect to handle them in a standalone game?
  6. lee harvey oswald

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Dafuq? How are they ever going to improve a game which they cannot control, are you a complete moron, the whole point is that, if they cannot control features they already have or have added, how do they plan to make the game standalone without it taking 10 years? The "its an alpha" excuse can only be used so many times before its dry, it might be an alpha, but that still doesn't excuse piss poor work, when there are near on 1 million people playing it, stop with your ass sniffing. Lets just keep creating shit for a game that makes the game even more unplayable, until it becomes so unplayable that people don't actually play it, so it doesn't get tested, think about what you said.
  7. lee harvey oswald

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Everything you've just said still doesn't explain why they're adding other features into the game, before fixing the problems of the current ones, there not going to get the perfect game causing more problems for themselves are they? Why not work on the current version they have out, rather than just ramming shit into it, i mean dogs, jeeeze, wish this game could go back to when it first started and it was actually difficult, but like most things, shit kids complain and the game gets easier.
  8. lee harvey oswald

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Me buying the game allows me to play it tit, fact is, he shouldn't be adding other useless features into the game, when he cannot control the ones he already has in it, keep the brown nosing to yourself.
  9. lee harvey oswald

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    How about you fix all the bugs and the hackers before adding other useless features that will probably just fuck the game up more, who is this rocket noob?
  10. lee harvey oswald

    Silenced FN FAL/Silenced Sniper?

  11. lee harvey oswald

    King of cherno.

  12. lee harvey oswald

    King of cherno.

  13. lee harvey oswald

    King of cherno.

  14. lee harvey oswald

    Graphic bug

    Have tried most things dude, nothing works, everyone i've spoken too, has had the same problem. At the end of the day the solution is easy, and causes no problem by doing it.