I don't think anyone doubts security is taken very seriously by the dev team, but to echo some setiments previously expressed, it needs all hands on deck if this game is going to succeed. I'll forgoe regaling everyone with tales of hackers, and simply state that of the handful of friends I convinced to try the game, most are now gone and keeping true to the ol 'A happy customer tells 3 people, an unhappy one tells the world'. It's seriously hurting the games reputation, as literally the only way to play this game without being constantly griefed by hackers to is play on a low pop server. Having to play like this in hoarder mode takes away from the most important aspect of the game, interaction and the fear/excitement of running into other (legit) players. The single most important thing that needs to be done is to bring movement (confirmation) server side. Net code is hard, sure, but we are in the age of massive bandwidth and low latency. You'd be hard pressed to find a player that wouldn't deal with a bit of rubber banding and buggyness to resolve this massive hole. If hackers can no longer teleport to any point in the map they want, they can no clip/no grass/esp items and players all day as far as I'm concerned, have at it. They would still need to actually run between towns to grief players, instead of teleporting around the map every 15s, scanning the area for players, and moving on to the next. Even without that code being fully migrated/confirmed on the server side, why can the server not simply track players. If you move more than X distance in Y time, log it. After a handful of these events, report to VAC/BE and kick from the server. I'm sure you guys have all discussed ways to combat this, bottom line though, it should be top priority.