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About Nyarhra

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Nyarhra

    Random Zondos

    I'm all for classic Zombie's myself. ie unless you shoot or bash em in the head they just keep coming you might drop em with body or leg shots but they'll just get up again and keep coming. Never put it in suggestions cause i know it will just get flamed like crazy. I do like your idea though but maybe after they fix Zombie glitches first
  2. Nyarhra

    Sleep system

    I really like the idea but i have a suggestion If your sick or weak you need to or want to sleep more often Just a thought
  3. Nyarhra

    Do not get bitten as starting advice

    I can see it now "His been bitten shoot him, SHOOT HIM NOW!!" Or "I got bit 7 and a half hours ago and we haven't found and antibiotics you know what you have to do DO IT SHOOT ME BEFORE I BECOME ONE OF THEM"
  4. Nyarhra

    Well here's a few ideas...

    I think smoking would maybe attract infected to you kinda like how animals a aware of you if you light up on the hunt ie they smell it and instinct tells them to move away but the opposite with infected
  5. Nyarhra

    delete this thread.

    lol now i like the idea:D
  6. Nyarhra

    My list of problems

    No need to apologize if fact maybe i should say sorry if my post came across a little harsh:) To your question the lee Enfield may be a good weapon but it's very loud, in game it has the nickname off "the dinner bell" because it will pull infected from a great distance around you and bandits will get a bearing on your position. The Winchester is considered too slow although it's one of my favorite weapons early on and also it loses accuracy over long distances So if you get the chance grab a winnie and keep an eye out for something better i hope this answers your questions
  7. Nyarhra

    Bush tracking

    Yes indeed a good idea also like the idea of being able to cover your tracks +1
  8. Nyarhra

    Cans R Us

    Done and don't worry i have the same mentality in game see you online [EDIT]Oh and i go by Gideon Ravenor in game
  9. Nyarhra

    Cans R Us

    Ahh k well maybe you'll get to shoot me someday:P
  10. Nyarhra

    Cans R Us

  11. Nyarhra

    Cans R Us

  12. Nyarhra

    Anomalies in the forest

    Yeah i don't think it fits ether
  13. Nyarhra

    Removal of 3rd person view exploit

    Admin set these options don't think the devs can do much about it really
  14. Nyarhra

    n-sec 'logout-timer' + n-sec 'login-freeze'

    Not trolling you the second link is the update thread but as i said if you look through it you will find a long discussion about server hopping and similar suggestions to yours if your not going to read a bit than that's your problem f**ktard