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Everything posted by lvlagic
Ask anyone: "do you fancy the world ending today and being thrust into a harsh environment where you will likely starve to death in under an hour, and if you encounter any zombies there will be no despatching them like woody harrelson as they are so glitchy and you get hit 6 times by a zombie that was right in front of you when you swung and missed, oh and 4 hits with an axe doesnt seem to finish them off either" and they will likely say: "f*ck off" Now i am all for realism in a game like this but come on it has to actually be enjoyable! Its not realistic for someone to starve in an hour, a couple of days, but an hour, no. And whats with the zombies, they glitch all over the place hit you repeatedly, the animation says you hit but they are still slashing away. I searched for 2 hours and found one tin of sardines, and yes i checked everywhere.. i finally found a bag but couldnt find anything to put in it. I snagged myself a black firemans jacket, ultra rare, yet it was ruined in 2 nigh on impossible encounters with a zombie. You cant hit something when the hit boxes are not with the animation, and the animation warps all over the shop. I know its alpha, i dont mind it being harder, but if you dont enjoy playing then whats the point. A zombie apocolyse is not something anyone would choose to do, but people play "games" to enjoy themselves, "simulators" are usually dull and sheet and for the bespectacled tubby freaks that still live with mum. If theres not much food then fine, but you dont become starving in 40 mins, where is the realism in that? And fix the warping zombies. Oh and someone mend my frikken firemans jacket, i wanted on of those for 9 months! :end of rant:
I have given another 2 hours of my time to it tonight i have concluded that, in my opinion, which i am entitled to, this game isnt for me, i don't know where to look, and i am compaining for no reason... no, wait, i mean, this game is now an utter waste of time. Maybe its a hardcore thing? Playing 3rd person is such a jip, but the majority of skirvy jip jabbers seem hell bent on it, maybe i am being punished for 1st person playing, maybe hardcore is extra no foodishness? Could the samiritans organise some sort of soup kitchen maybe? I had a reasonable character from the other day, had all the gear the catch rabbits and fish, but nothing to cook it with. Had stuff to grow seeds, but nothing to prepare the ground with. I did have a bottle with water which i thanked my chosen god for. Alas in the end, whilst starving hungry, i was attacked by one too many zombies and with no melee weapon and no bandages left i bled to death. Oh and for the experts out there, its hard to sneak past a zombie that appears in a building with you out of nowhere. It is a bit harder when said zombie is still inside the building you legged it out of, and whilst looking back from a good 20 yards away you are still getting hit by it... i then proceeded to spawn a further 5 times over the next hour and didnt find a single item of any worth, unless i intended to open up a hat stall down the local market of course, which, for your notes, i didn't. i spawned twice at the big boat on the coast, and by the time i made it to the nearest town my stomach was grumbling violently. I did however manage to snag myself a walkie talkie and a seriously groovy police hat from a police car i stumbled upon. handy stuff. The zombies however didnt seem to have any respect for the law as i tried to stop and search one and he resisted and assualted me. I am waiting for the case to come to court, but i fear i may starve to death before i get my chance to testify. I searched every building, out house, toilet, vehicle, bush, the sky and my soul and alas i found nothing, even the hat stall was looking at going in to liquidation. What is the point in this game at the moment? oh wait, its easy, i forgot, Mr A Hole got himself fully geared up in 20 minutes. Mr D Breath sneaked past every zombie and lived happily off the land like john boy walton. Mr C Sucker knew where to look, and Mr Hasnothingelsetodobutfindcontraryopinionstoanythinganyonedarestosayonlineasitsgivestheirpointlessexistencesomesortofmeaning is playing the game as it is "for him" but definitely not for me evidently. Luckily for those of us who remain on the straight jacketless side of sanity. GTA V is preloading as we speak. Thank the lord for beating prostitutes indiscriminately. Cue Mr Littlebitofpowergoesrighttomyhead to flag my post as breaking the rules man... breaking the rules has consequences, but analyse the rules and interpret them to suit your agenda my fuzzy friends. This is chocka bloke, checking out.
Last time I checked I'm not at Elektro, so why all the people taking pot shots at me? The buzz about dayz for me is.. "Player...!" You or your buddies spot someone, the heart is racing, have they seen you? Are they friendly? Will they try and kill you? Are they alone? Can you trust them? Should you talk to them? Should I shoot that mofo in the guts and feed him disinfectant while he bleeds out? I eat regularly back here in the real world, so I find it hard to get excited about finding a tin of sardines or some berries. A game based around eating isn't exactly going stimulate the masses. The human interaction, the not knowing, the decision making, that's what makes this game, all you survivalists can take yourself off to Bodmin moor for the weekend if you want to be cold and hungry, I would have to get a flight to Baghdad to get what I get out of dayz, but the trouble with that is I don't a nice black screen telling me I am dead, but more I portably I don't get to re-spawn...
I don't want to be the guy that tells you Santa doesn't exist... But dayz is not very real at all.. I'll just stitch these zombie wounds up with a sewing kit I found in a garage, it'll be fine..... Oh what's this, a helicopter crash? Peach! A jacket and vest I can wear that isn't torched.. Whaddayaknow, an assault rifle that made it through the crash and fires perfectly... How far is it..? 30kms..? I will just sprint there carrying all my stuff, have a tin of beans when I get there, that'll sort me out The helmet, boots and all the clothes I just found all fit me perfectly, what are the chances...? I've got a plastic bottle and a hook, I caught a fish, John wilson has got nothing on me.. What's this? Some burlap sacks and some netting, get me a job on blue peter, check the full on ghille suit I just made out.. I stepped down 18" off a ledge, damn it my leg is broken.. I'll just light a fire inside this house, I won't be overcome by fumes it'll be grand.. I was out in the rain for nearly 90 seconds.. Hypothermia ensues. I haven't eaten for nearly 40 mins, I'm starving to death. Take your realism retorts and stitch some natty leather trousers out of them.
As far as "is this game really for you?" I *really*enjoyed dayz before this update... I was at the stage of getting half an hour in before work in the mornings.. I packed 200 odd hours in, rented a server and if they wanted to charge me for the full game I'd have parted with £100 happily. My point is that an "update" should be exactly that, and update on what we already had, not a regression. And as far as us being the alpha testers for the game... I'm pretty sure that the devs have some sort of testing regime and I'm pretty sure they do actually perform some sort of testing before each patch is released.. So they must have known the sort of comments they were going to get over 0.55 The lack of food I can deal with IF I could actually make it between towns without starving. Any human can go a whole day without food! The zombie problem is the biggest thing for me, I liked a good scrap with a zombie before, regardless of how I was equipped. You could actually tackle a zombie with your fists as the models moved, albeit a little sketchy, but on the whole consistently. Now they warp all over the place you get hit from all angles and a fairly straightforward zombie encounter is now a tedious, infuriating bore. Why they can't concentrate on actually fixing the silly bugs for a couple of patches before they go adding new content I do not know. I STILL have to press 1 several times to actually get my axe out. Things STILL disappear or become unobtainable when you put them down. Zombies STILL appear through walls. I STILL see loot I cannot pick up. I walk through some slightly boggy ground and I am STILL soaking. Yes, it's alpha but these bugs have been around for many updates. It may just be my humble opinion, as a paid up member of bought the game club, but it's just not anywhere near as much fun, the people I usually play with feel the same and I will be soiling myself with battlefield till the next patch when hopefully my faith will be restored. And yes, the usual loot runs may have changed but to be fair, in terms of realism, people don't usually keep things in toilets, especially food, the occasional teddy bear maybe, but if I was looking for food, in a real world I would most likely look in the kitchen maybe.....
Since 0.54 updated for me i cannot play. I have a fairly capable rig and was happily running at 40+ FPS pre- patch. i5 @ 4.3ghz, 16gb dominator ram, 2x GTX970 in SLI. I had the game optimised through the NVIDIA geforce experience control panel and play at 2560 x 1440p on an ASUS ROG Swift G-Sync Monitor. I have the latest graphics drivers. Now since the update, when i load the game all the walls are invisible and its showing i have between 1 and 5 FPS, i cant take a screenshot, i cant go anywhere, its borked totally. I tried lowering the graphics to normal setting and the walls appeared in terrible quality for a bit but then they disappeared again. I can see Zombies outside the builing and all the background landscape, i can also see items in the building i am in floating around in thin air, but no walls or tables or doors or anything that should be there. i am happy to be patient to wait for a fix, but am wondering if anyone else is having this problem?
It's depressing when you spawn a fresh character only to search every house in the vicinity and not find any food, or you get sniped or killed on sight when you dont even have anything worth stealing, or you go to a military base to pick yourself up some protection but when you got there the cupboards were bare, but the bushes were full of bandits.. Them's the pitfalls of Public Server Dayzing i'm afraid, so we have set up a new private shard which aims to help eliminate the frustrations of playing public servers and falling victim to server hopping, loot farming, KOS bandits! We obviously can't control what people choose to do, but players on our server are encouraged to play with a little decorum and help those that need help, but by the same token show no mercy to those that oppose them! Sqauds are welcome to claim territory, but must inform unwitting trespassers via the medium of a messenger they are not welcome to give them the opportunity to decide whether to make a tactical retreat or take their chances and continue. Messengers take the form of players unarmed and in their vest and pants and as the old saying goes, don't shoot the messenger!! The idea is that there is no point in killing an unarmed player with no gear to loot, but should we get some itchy trigger finger halfwits that do despatch a messenger then at least all their gear is safe with the rest of their squad till they can spawn and find their way back. Once a squad has claimed a town they are fair game to be assulted by another squad that knows they are there and want's to take the town for themselves, at this point the gloves are off and anything goes. The server has 4 hour restarts and as its all a bit too buggy right now, persistance is set to off. So there should be enough loot to go round for everyone. We would like to think that an "ask questions first, shoot later" policy will manifest itself in our regular players, but please do remember to defend yourself at all times, and as it the way with the human race, trust nobody! Server IP: or just search for NO BULLSHIT We can open up our teamspeak server to the public if there is a demand for it. See you out there. Magic
No Bullshit - New Private Shard To Help Ease Your Frustrations..
lvlagic replied to lvlagic's topic in Servers
Oh, and we are using the iZurvive map app on the iPad to liase positions with other players. We have set up a group within the app called: -NO BULLSHIT- You can join the group and add your player position and see other players positions and meeting points, tents, vehicles etc etc. PM me for the password for the group if you would like to join. The map looks like this with player positions and meeting points added: -
No Bullshit - New Private Shard To Help Ease Your Frustrations..
lvlagic replied to lvlagic's topic in Servers
This makes it all seem worthwhile..! We had been playing on our server for 4 days and although there had been a smattering of people on and off, we had not actually encountered anyone in the flesh as it were. Last night we decided to find a public server for a couple of hours in the hope of seeing another player or two. Suffice to say it was a disheartening experience. I played 3 hours, very nearly starving to death due to lack of loot, i'd been soaked, cold and beaten by zombies and travelled to the NWAF to find some nice and durable clothes to survive in. I carefully made my way up the airfield, tree to tree, there were 3 undisturbed zombies which led me to believe the area was clear of people otherwise they would have been dead. I despatched said zombies with my trusty sledgehammer and as i finished off the 3rd one a player appeared from the barracks building the zombie had been pretty much outside. There's me in my bright yellow rain coat, skate helmet, ripped jeans and pink trainers, sledge hammer in hand.. There's him in his full military clothes AK in hand.. I am clearly no threat, alls i wanted was a new jacket and some nice trousers and boots from tent city, maybe have a little conflab with him, i had plenty of food to share and then be on my merry way.. I shouted "dont shoot dont shoot" through the mic but still instantly suffered a clips worth of damage from an AK. 3 hours well wasted. The fact there were zombies scattered all outside the building he was in suggests he either spawned in there and was server hopping to farm loot or he had been in there for quite some time and was just waiting for someone to turn up. Either way a very sad individual that taints my view on this game. Fair enough, if you have a chat and things go south, you're both armed, it's holocaust survival, shots get fired and people die.. No problem with that, but at least try and enter in to some sort of spirit of the game, have a little bit of honour. Anyways, nice to know someone is enjoying our server! Hopefully the coming weeks will see a few more regulars build up and with it some interesting alliances and of course feuds and conflicts will develop :) Oh, and yes, there's always room for a little bit of Eno, so long as you have washed your gooch and dont drive the V3S in an anti-social manner after dark that is ;)