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About Mailman111

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  1. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    Since now >:D
  2. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    Well i went into my good old mother truckin fashion garry's mod and my new new new... video card that i just bought today and slaped right in looks like this ======================================= 1. http://imgur.com/pyQuVzt 2. http://imgur.com/kMsyiWq 3. http://imgur.com/m0iAXh1 ======================================= SADLY DayZ Standalone isnt heavily optimized like garry's mod and the graphics are smexy to the max I will be makieng a short cinimatic with this new video card and see where i get when i get done making the video cause garry's mod is easier for makin videos then dayz standalones huge FPS fap drop and the fact i dont havt to worry about geting shot from a hill side when recording :D i will make a new post about the video and what it is about and why i made it just keep it in your minds THIS IS A VIDEO CARD TEST THAT SEEMS BETTER THEN MY LAST BAD ONE ON MY BAD PC BLERKCH have a nice day bai c:
  3. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    thanks :D
  4. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    my whole reaction to evreything right now :D
  5. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    https://bunkstrutts.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/lawn-mower21.gif allready hired someone but they died
  6. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    http://www.quickmeme.com/img/62/62fb3c1822c4a623b9fe96f0216379ee19c8009c60135e6eb24f9b88eb943a77.jpg that will tell you c:
  7. Mailman111

    I got a new Grapichs card and video card

    on my old video card i would allways get 50 to 60 fps on this new one fucking mind blowning 105 FPS WHICH IS GOOD FOR MY RECORDING stuff.... i sometimes use dxtory or Action there both good but dxtory is a painfull bastard to use
  8. okay as you might allready knoow (if you do) i had posted a really bad video on the forums when i had alot of people saying that i had 1. Bad Intro (Understandable im new) 2. No Grass (my last PC specs where bad i got new ones still understandable) 3. terrible Graphics/pc specs (Understandable) Now that we got next gen videocard/Graphics i can post some pictures here of the games that i had set MAX settings on and holy [QUACK] its its... better then my last pc that one was like you pluged in a pet rock and ran your wifi off of it with a toaster next to it runing off 2005 stuff ECH Well Here it is THE MOMMENT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AFTER READING THIS VERY LONG TEXT THAT IS REALLY NOT NECESSARILY NEEDED HERE OMG THIS IS TAKEING FOREVER GET IT OVER WITH D: erm... "BOOOM" my ingame screenshots that look so ever smexy 1. http://imgur.com/xGbNKFq[just my military swat player] 2. http://imgur.com/10IfSHi [you wanted grass baby here it is] 3. http://dogeington.imgur.com/all/[alot of inprovments] also i have found 2 heli crashs while i was doing this They are my 2 first heli crashs that i have found near stary SADLY no smersh vest I MUST CONTUINE MY QUEST 1. http://imgur.com/v8LMnut[ my first heli crash site found] 2. http://imgur.com/5qS9xK4[my second one found near stary] Enjoy if there is anything bad or a problem with them just tell me and i might get more parts for my PC and make it better thank you for your reading time of this post that i had only made in under 1-2 minutes due to fast finger typeing skillz... kasfjalkgsdgsdfgsdgsjdgff bai
  9. Mailman111

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    Thank you.
  10. Mailman111

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    im still geting more parts for my PC and no it is not cheating or abuseing the config core if you are able to do that to dayz mod then i think you can do it to dayz standalone It just saves more FPS so my pc dosent explode when recording cause its fan is not working atm so im useing a huge fan under my desk with the side of my PC door open to let in some cold air to not have it overheat and shut down also im thinking about just remakeing this video its sort of just duct tape and glue so im going to go crawl back into dayz standalone and pull out some new recording programs with new settings and see if i can get that grass back but it will make the video laggy unless i can find a MAX FPS server they are rare to find due to players filling up in em.
  11. Mailman111

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    Thank you my sony vegas pro screwed up on the intro so i had to keep it black screen to get the feel of the videos dramtic spots and stuff im new to all this
  12. Mailman111

    My First DayZ Standalone video

    This is just a little thing i smushed up with eachother into sony vegas pro It turned out nice i think... i will let you guys decide on that if there is any problems with the video or i did something wrong please tell me so i can Fix them the next go around in sony vegas pro im still a newbie at this video editing stuff Thanks for peakin at my post Give me some ideas on what i should do next or mabye i can do a DayZ Standalone untold stories series how does that sound guys :D?