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About EdgeOfSanity

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  1. Hey folks, we would like to introduce our BHG OverPoch NAPF server to you. It is running on a dedicated server with 32GB Ram and SSD with a guaranteed bandwidth of 500Mbit/s. All new players or groups will receive a little welcome gift containing building stuff and a SUV Camo EXCLUSIVE FEATURES We are currently running over 40Scripts/Addons on our server. Lots of them are exclusively made for our server. Most of the public scripts got tweaked a lot to improve serverperformance and fix bugs. Level-System - earn XP for each class and learn new skills or improve themAuctionhouse - Use the auctionhouse to sell/buy items (player to player trade)CargoDrop - drop cargo from your helosvirtual Garage - Custom Change - Share your vehicles with friends added to the PlotPoleEnvironment Scan - scan your environment for AI/Players, Vehicles and Zeds (range of 1500m) every 5 minutesMining - get stones to craft them into cinderblocksTactical Seats - Use tactical seats in vehicles to shoot enemiesVault Management - Safes can now be opened without entering a combination by the owner and those who are added to the safeShare Vehicles - Share vehicles with your friends added to your PlotEar-Plugs - Use ear-plugs (key: o) to lower ingame sound to 25%Hot-Keys - Use Hotkeys to switch between your Weapons and BackpackTwo Primary Weapons - Use 2 primory weapons and 1 secondary weaponChange Classes - Use your emerald to change classes]Greenhouses - Use greenhouses to plant pumpkins, sunflowers or hemp General Features Remote Key for Vehicles - Open/Close your vehicles with a remote keyColor corrections - Use Hemp to change color values (rightclick on kilo of hemp)Single Currency - without global bankSuperhero & Superbandit TraderCraft in ShedClass System & Spawnsystem with lots of spawnpointsWeapon AttachmentsAdvanced Tradingnon-AI Missions (IKEA, Treasure,...)SuicideBuild VectorsSnap Build ProVehicle Service PointsPlotPole ManagementDoor Management (EyeScan)Claim VehiclesWicked AISafeZonesAlchemical Crafting - craft custom buildings like the virtual Garaga, Barracks or other thingsVehicle Painting - with custom fixesCrash LootChangeable ViewdistanceGroup ManagementDrink WaterFast Tradinglots of more An other thing we have significantly changed is the map layout of NAPF. We have deleted all the traders on the map and have replaced them by different new ones. General Traders: Pistols, Shotguns, old Rifles, Ammunition, Foods, Drinks, Backpacks, neutral Skins, Medical Supplies Building & Vehicle Trader @ Ruemlingen: Building Materials, Wholesale, Bikes&ATVs, Tractors, OverWatch Vehicles Building & Vehicle Trader @ Oberdorf: Building Materials, Wholesale, used Cars, Pickups, Offroader Building & Vehicle Trader @ Brienz: Building Materials, Wholesale, SUVs, civilian Trucks, Vans Juris Military Equipment: All Types of military weapons, unarmed military vehicles Hero Trader: High Power Weapons, Wheeled Tanks, armed helicopters & vehicles Bandit Trader: High Power Weapons, Wheeled Tanks, armed helicopters & vehicles Aircraft Dealer: unarmed military helicopters & aircrafts, civilian helicopters & aircrafts We hope to see you soon on our server! website: http://blackhorizon-gaming.com | TS3: ServerIP:
  2. Monday: 7pm (german time) - Treasure Hunt at Noon Find three fully loaded tents with building materials, weapons and a key for a vehicle. All spots will be lightened up by some fireplaces. So you only need to spot these places on the map! 8pm(german time) - Race Get a 350z and participate. 1st: BTR-90 or LAV-25 + Materials for virtual Garage 2nd: Chinook full of weapons and building materials (incl. materials for virtual Garage) 3rd: HMMWV GPK with magazines and weapons Tuesday: 7pm (german time) - Catch me, if you can Hunt the admins and get their vehicles full with loot! 8pm(german time) - Auction We're going to auction abandoned safes and vehicles!
  3. @ All, we had a scriptkiddie on the server the past night. We've made a roll back to 12am last night and have banned him. Furthermore we reported him on steam with some video-proofs. We're sorry for the trouble all our players had!
  4. Our Update is live! Come and check out our new and exclusive features! Tactical Seats - Use tactical seats in vehicles to shoot enemies [added]Safe Fingerscan - Safes can now be opened without entering a combination by the owner and those who are added to the safe [added]Share Vehicles - Share vehicles with your friends added to your Plot [added]Ear-Plugs - Use ear-plugs (key: o) to lower ingame sound to 25% [added]Hot-Keys - Use Hotkeys to switch between your Weapons and Backpack [added]More Primary Weapons - Use 2 primory weapons and 1 secondary weapon [added]Change Classes - Use your emerald to change classes [added]Greenhouses - Use greenhouses to plant pumpkins, sunflowers or hemp [added]Auctionhouse - Use the auctionhouse to sell/buy items (player to player trade) [added]Remote Key for Vehicles - Open/Close your vehicles with a remote key [added]Color corrections - Use Hemp to change color values (rightclick on kilo of hemp) [added]Mission Fixes - Spawn of new missions should now always work [fixed]Hotwire - Hotwire works again [fixed]Humanity System Tweaks - Humanity depends on kills not on damage** [fixed]Anti-DupingTweaks - Some tweaks and improvements to prevent duping [improved]GroupManagement Tweaks - Network/Code tweaks & possibility to add players in vehicles [improved]
  5. 30th March is Patch-Day Infos for our upcoming update this weekend: Tactical Seats - Use tactical seats in vehicles to shoot enemies [added]Safe Fingerscan - Safes can now be opened without entering a combination by the owner and those who are added to the safe [added]Share Vehicles - Share vehicles with your friends added to your Plot [added]Ear-Plugs - Use ear-plugs (key: o) to lower ingame sound to 25% [added]Hot-Keys - Use Hotkeys to switch between your Weapons and Backpack [added]More Primary Weapons - Use 2 primory weapons and 1 secondary weapon [added]Change Classes - Use your emerald to change classes [added]Remote Key for Vehicles - Open/Close your vehicles with a remote key [added]Color corrections - Use Hemp to change color values (rightclick on kilo of hemp) [added]Mission Fixes - Spawn of new missions should now always work [fixed]Hotwire - Hotwire works again [fixed]Humanity System Tweaks - Humanity depends on kills not on damage** [fixed]Anti-DupingTweaks - Some tweaks and improvements to prevent duping [improved]GroupManagement Tweaks - Network/Code tweaks & possibility to add players in vehicles [improved] ** Regular kills Regular -500 Regular kils Hero -750 Regular kills Bandit +500 Hero kills Regular -500 Hero kills Hero -750 Hero kills Bandit +750 Bandit kills Regular -500 Bandit kills Hero -750 Bandit kills Banditl +500
  6. #daily bump Today we'd like to welcome 3 new playergroups and finally we hit the 30 players online mark at one time
  7. Infos for our upcoming update this weekend: Share Vehicles for virtual Garage - Share vehicles with your friends added to your PlotManagementMission Fixes - Spawn of new missions should now always workSafe Fingerscan - Safes can now be opened without entering a combination by the owner and those who are added to the safeAnti-Duping Tweaks - Some tweaks and improvements to prevent dupingGroupManagement Tweaks - Netzwork/Code tweaks & possibility to add players in vehiclesRemote Key for Vehicles - Open/Close your vehicles with a remote key
  8. We are really sorry for the downtimes today! Some stupid kids think it's funny to DOS the TS3 Port... We're currently looking into the logs! We hope to see you soon again!
  9. Our current rolling changelog: Remote to (un)lock vehicles incl. Beep-Sound Manage safes & lockboxes like doors with DoorManagement Vehicle-Content Preview for the virt. Garage maybe remote control for doors/garage doors Furthermore we're happy that there have been a lot of new players on our server on the weekend!
  10. We want to introduce our new Arma 2 OverPoch NAPF Server! The server is running on a high end dedicated box with 1Gbit/s connection in germany for low pings. All new players will receive a - free - Starterkit with a Plotpole, Lockbox and some parts for your first base! We're running over 40 scripts, most of them with custom fixes and improvements. Furthermore we're having our own and exclusive LevelSystem which allows you to earn XP and use those for skill improvements! There are already about 15 active players on this server after only a few days and we would be happy to see you soon on our server!
  11. We want to introduce our new Arma 2 OverPoch NAPF Server! The server is running on a high end dedicated box with 1Gbit/s connection in germany for low pings. All new players will receive a - free - Starterkit with a Plotpole, Lockbox and some parts for your first base! We're running over 40 scripts, most of them with custom fixes and improvements. Furthermore we're having our own and exclusive LevelSystem which allows you to earn XP and use those for skill improvements! There are already about 15 active players on this server after only a few days and we would be happy to see you soon on our server! IP: These scripts are currently running on our server: Level-System - earn XP for each class and learn new skills or improve themCargoDrop - drop cargo from your helosvirtual Garage - Custom Change: Share your vehicles with friends added to the PlotPoleEnvironment Scan - scan your environment for AI/Players, Vehicles and Zeds (range of 1500m) every 5 minutesMining - get stones to craft them into cinderblocksSingle Currency - without global bankSuperhero & Superbandit TraderCraft in ShedClass System & Spawnsystem with lots of spawnpointsWeapon AttachmentsAdvanced Tradingnon-AI Missions (IKEA, Treasure,...)SuicideBuild VectorsSnap Build ProVehicle Service PointsPlotPole ManagementDoor Management (EyeScan)Claim VehiclesWicked AISafeZonesAlchemical Crafting - craft custom buildings like the virtual Garaga, Barracks or other thingsVehicle Painting - with custom fixesCrash LootChangeable ViewdistanceGroup ManagementDrink WaterFast Tradinglots of moreWe also made a significant change of the trader design on our map! General Traders: Pistols, Shotguns, old Rifles, Ammunition, Foods, Drinks, Backpacks, neutral Skins, Medical Supplies Building & Vehicle Trader @ Ruemlingen: Building Materials, Wholesale, Bikes&ATVs, Tractors, OverWatch Vehicles Building & Vehicle Trader @ Oberdorf: Building Materials, Wholesale, used Cars, Pickups, Offroader Building & Vehicle Trader @ Brienz: Building Materials, Wholesale, SUVs, civilian Trucks, Vans Juris Military Equipment: All Types of military weapons, unarmed military vehicles Hero Trader: High Power Weapons, Wheeled Tanks, armed helicopters & vehicles Bandit Trader: High Power Weapons, Wheeled Tanks, armed helicopters & vehicles Aircraft Dealer: unarmed military helicopters & aircrafts, civilian helicopters & aircrafts We're looking forward to see you soon!
  12. We've ordered a new Dedicated Server today and will move soon. We hope to see some new faces for stress testing the server! We will let you know when the tests begin soon.