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Posts posted by Draemos

  1. Nope. Of all the things that could be implemented in future builds, people are going apeshit over beards.


    Fucking. Beards.


    And, with regards to actual combat, pretty much every warrior society throughout history that expected to engage in hand to hand also pretty much never had long, grabbable hair or beards. The Roman Legionaries were required to be clean shaven. Even the quintessential "barbarian braids and long beards " culture, the Scandanavian Vikings, tended to have short hair and goatees, instead of foot-long braids and beards.


    What kind of man doesn't like beards?  You're an odd one.

  2. Ive seen many ideas shot down because they would hurt the lone wolf. "I dont want detailed surgery it would hurt lone wolves, dont add sanity/social needs it would hurt the lone wolves, dont add in crew fired weapons it would hurt lone wolves". Honestly, Im tired of hearing everyone say "Oh, well IRL I woud be a lone wolf I wouldnt need anyone then why should I in DayZ?"

    Because the fact is most people here cant perform medical operations/CLS techniques to others let alone doing it to yourself. Dont say that you dont need social lives when SHTF, humans invented language and civilization BECAUSE humans need interaction. What happens to the guy who says he doesnt need a girlfriend or friends and spends all day in mommys basement? Hes either a 600 pound socially akward gamer or he becomes a school/mall/theater shooter because society doesnt understand him. (If you dont like the truth, fix the truth)

    So I say add in complex surgery, yeah I can do basic CLS treatment on myself and others but according to you all were untrained survivors who shouldnt be able to use tactical stances (see A3 stance in DayZ thread)

    And add in sanity/ a need for social contact, yeah I go camping for a couple weeks to a month sometimes but I still crave human contact after a while (and I dunno about yall, but talking to my girlfriend is one of the best parts of my day)

    Tl;Dr--> Lone Wolves will die IRL when SHTF and its the EOTWAWKI


    I don't much care about things like crew fired weapons and those sort of changes that improve the group dynamic as that doesn't really hurt anyone (I think "complex surgery" would be kinda stupid though), but the idea of a "sanity/need for social contact" mechanic is absolutely awful.  The type of person that is a lone wolf isn't the type of people that need social contact to maintain a healthy mindset, and the type of people that lone-wolf don't want to be forced into group dynamics... so what is gained?  The answer is nothing, at best you get people who grudgingly do the minimum required to satisfy the  requirement, and the more likely scenario is that you just lose players who aren't going to be forced into playing the game in a way they don't want to.


    The idea that lone wolf people wouldn't do fine in an apocalypses is a bit absurd to.  They're the most suited to both handling the mental challenges and managing to avoid trouble.  I know several folks who do just fine who have been living out in the sticks for decades.
