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Everything posted by spearmintz

  1. I have played loads of video games, but I am just lost with this. I have looked up the controls, and the in-game control menu is just plain wrong. I am not sure if there has been an update to the mod I never heard about, because I have watched loads of videos on DayZ mod, and the servers I join keep looking different than what I am used to. I need help as to what sort of servers to join, every server I join looks like this- http://i.imgur.com/ESbepQg.jpgand I'm not sure if I am missing a memo of what to join. The chalky info meters on the right side look different, the reticule, I don't know how to go in third person or open doors or anything. I cannot find the controls, and it is messing with me because the controls on the wiki are completely different. Thank you so much, I am very new as you can tell!
  2. spearmintz

    Complete Noob, need alot of help with DayZ mod.

    I'm playing the mod. But to answer my other question, has the mod been updated? What is the reason my inventory/GUI looks different than the second image?
  3. spearmintz

    Complete Noob, need alot of help with DayZ mod.

    Essentially, I am new to DayZ, however I have still watched tons of videos, and I am so lost. I don't know what servers to join because everytime I do, i get my gui to look like this http://i.imgur.com/R57Ed4H.jpginstead of what I am used to, i.e. http://i5.minus.com/iC4f3rq7TQ7in.jpg I am very lost and just need general guidance on what is happening and what to do. All the controls are different for me too, apparently right click is sprint and i cannot punch even after pressin space to raise my fists..?
  4. spearmintz

    Complete Noob, need alot of help with DayZ mod.

    I have already done that, but does Dayz normally look like the screenshot I posted?