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About DeusAbsconditus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DeusAbsconditus

    Starting Over

    do you all play the standalone or mod?
  2. DeusAbsconditus

    Most player concentrated areas

    Do you all play the mod or the standalone?
  3. DeusAbsconditus

    to play the day z mod

    which one has more players on at once?
  4. DeusAbsconditus

    to play the day z mod

    ok now im really confused. In order to play day z; rob people, survive make friends etc. which day z should i play? the standalone thats 35 bucks? or the arma 2 mod?
  5. DeusAbsconditus

    to play the day z mod

    I know I need to buy arma 2. And the operation arrowhead. If I buy those two, do I still need to buy day z? Or is the "mod" run strictly from arma