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Everything posted by styxOsirisCRO

  1. styxOsirisCRO

    Introduce yourselves

    Sup ladies and gents, I'm Osiris from the clan styx gaming ... www.styxgaming.net just wanna hop on here and say hello and thank everyone who has posted in the scripts area for help. you have made a lot of things possible and i would like to show you all my gratitude by saying hello and properly introducing myself. most games i play are dayz mod, various arma 3 mods, league of legends (i know), and battlefield games. i own many leatherbound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany (lol). hope to see many of you in game possibly due to the fact that my clan owns a server and is looking for players to populate it. details on the server can be found at the following link : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/219219-styxgaming-dayz-mod-overpoch-chertnarus/ hoping to see you all in game :) i misspelled chernarus lol. sorry about that XD have a delightful day(z)! regards, styx Osiris CRO
  2. Hello guys, i know this sounds like promoting a server and that is PRECISELY what it is. We are styxGaming. the clan itself hails from the Netherlands but our members are from everywhere and we would like for you to play on our server. This particular server consists of many awesome scripts, decent hosting, and active admins who can and WILL help you or deal justice if need be. Features: Gold coin currency Custom mission system (bandit and hero missions) SnapBuild PRO (with vector building...in other words, build what ya want) Group management Ore veins Armored vehicles Deploy anything (a ruby will suddenly transform into a little bird or a huey...magic!) ... and much more!!!! So, if you have the freetime (and i am hoping you do), drop on by our server and have some fun!!! we like to give starter gear to newcomers because we care about our players. It's not communism if everyone wins hahaha!!!! SERVER IP: and come check out our forums at www.styxgaming.net and tell 'em Osiris sent ya! cheers guys and enjoy your day(z)! regards, styx Osiris