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About RagingRooster

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    On the Coast
  1. RagingRooster

    Barret 50. cal?

    Why does everyone think that a .50 is gonna completely destroy a vehicle? .50 is super inefficient in the fact that the round merely slices up the radiator/transmission, and the truck slows to a halt 10km away. It's not some magic engine combustion round.
  2. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC35XBLec0EkBErsV1g3cDyw. Just a bit of shameless self promotion here. STO is run by me, and an American Friend of mine, I play on a private share server, and run two seperate lives, playing with a group on a 3rd person, and solo on a 1st person one. The 1pp playthrough will be what you describe! Whereas the 3pp one will be your more traditional PvP get rekt scrubs gg no re. My videos are anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, with a metric butt ton of editing, anyways hope this helps!
  3. Ryddek, Message is as follows: Hey there, the names Rooster, and I've been a DayZ tinfoil hatter for quite some time now, an Australian Army Cadet Signaller, I have a intimate knowlage of both Aussie and NATO Radio and Telephone Procedures, and a rudimentary knowlage of Warsaw Pact Radio Procederes. I have a flourishing YouTube channel, by the name of 'Strategic Tacticool Operators' and would like to offer my help. Steam name is RagingRooster. Message Stop. Zero Bravo out.