Hello everyone! If you are looking for somewhere to start new with your friends or find people to join you on many epoch adventures, you have found it! RealEpochGaming! <-- Website We are a new community looking to expand. We have a awesome site where you can keep in close contact with follow players and even link your steam account to show what players are online and playing! We are new so we come here asking that you give our community and server a try. Only with you can we expand to a thriving Epoch gaming community! What is RealEpochGaming? We strive to bring the best Epoch experience to all players, new and old. With tons of server scripts to make your Epoch experience the best around! How can you join? Just visit the site and sign up! If you are looking for our server to check us out just use any DayZ Epoch Launcher and look for "RealEpochGaming" Thanks for reading guys! Hope to see you soon!