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Everything posted by incus

  1. its most likely a ViLayer Hive server. ViLayer now offer a package server that is a private hive. Were they can easily run Cherno/Lingor/Utes
  2. I can confirm that a Saved tent, After a restart is still Duping. We packed a tent. Saved it! Restarted the server and removed all items. Waited 30 min. Then restarted the server again. Wolaaaa! Stuff is all back in the tent again. So much for items becoming rare again this hotfix. At least more of my clan can play now Graphics are fixed!
  3. Debug menu when enabled. Bugs all other UI monitors. Food/Water/Blood always stays green. Even though it is changing. I was blinking red when I turned it off. Has anyone had any conformation on new vehicle spawns. Not sure if anything new is re-spawning My server is void of vehicle life!!!
  4. As of Any vehicle/tent will not save that is a new spawn. Previous vehicles/tents will revert back to there last save from after a restart/shut down. This is a know hive problem with connections to a running server. It has been documented and in the bug section of the forums. It seems your vehicle was one that was a fresh spawn after the server updated to I recommend if you are trying to find a regular server to call home. To gather gear and store it. Rollback to and find a server running it.
  5. incus

    Banned from LU92

    Thank you for appealling. I know its frustrating but we are beings hounded by regulars to try and police not only hackers and Alt/F4érs. We do make mistakes and we apologize for that. We hope you continue to use our server. Regards
  6. Well that would be the one we lost hahaha. Nice to see some posts about our server. Have fun! LU92 DLW Clan Admin.
  7. Ok my server has been hacked. Multiple spawing of vehicles (Police Cars) Around 50 on one spot. Small heli's Lots of out game items (Satchel Charges.) What support do I have with ViLayer. Can anyone run me on how to install scripts and better protect my server. Regards Incus
  8. Hello all. Dirty Little Whores here! Server Name: DayZ - LU92 ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) dayzmod.com - DLW Clan | Vilayer.com Slots: 40 Difficulty: Regualr Version: Always up to date. Location: LU Europe. Time Zone: UTC -9 Teamspeak 3: Rules: Typical DayZ rules apply. No kicking for admins or members. No logging in a gunfight. Is enforced. Permanently banned. Contact: PM me here as Incus, Chat with me on TeamSpeak, (Always someone from the clan on to get information)or on our forums http://dayzdlw.freeforums.org/index.php Donations are encouraged and very appreciated. We are currently paying for a 40euro server and a 7euro TS3 Server. We will match 1:1. Please visit our forums and go to the donations page. http://dayzdlw.freeforums.org/index.php Server is always up and running the current version/beta. I hope you pop on to TS for a chat and get this server active. Bandit clans are welcome. Lets play/fight/and wrestle for beans!
  9. incus

    Wire fence artifacts at night

    Same for me and all my clan. It seems if I am closer I loose it. All settings on high. Lowering doesnt change it. Specs: Processor: Intel® Core i7-2960XM CPU @ 2.70GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.7GHz Memory: 12288MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M DUEL (Running SLI) Few Screens for the problem.
  10. Typical ;) Finally take my server live. Have a great night with the clan. Grab a Bus! Run a Bus service all over cherno. Bus blows up. Start seriously looking for vehicles. Find them and stash them. Now I can enjoy them. hahahaha. I quess rocket should take this like I do! If its getting the attention of Hackers (Even 9y kiddie ones) means the game is getting far to popular! and its not even out of alpha. Rocket I sometime wonder what you could create with a budget and a team under you! The though is strangely scary! I know that I would become a vegetable! All in all its all patience.
  11. I have a server with them also. Everything seems fine but my server location used to LU 59 now it only comes up with Country# . I am worried I will get black listed. Might have to send a ticket.
  12. incus

    Some Config Help Please

    I would also like this feature as i am starting up my own server.
  13. Admin Name: Subz3ro Server: Seattle 91 Offence: Kicking to protect dead body loot. Players Involved: Everyone with a [DLW] tag. Stalker, Verone, Subsistence, Incus Description: We are in a small clan [DLW]. We moved into the airfield. Traded fire with other players. One of our members died. Subz3ro move to loot and we shot at him. He to a hit and logged off. He the proceeded to kick all our players. He kicked our players when they tried to join after being kicked multiple times. One member got on with out tags and was kicked when Subz3ro released he was at the airfield.
  14. incus

    Seattle 91 Admin Abuse.

    Thank you very much for your reply. Me and my clan enjoyed your your server and hopefully are welcome back. We could not find a forums to bring the complaint directly to you. My friends also thank you for the quick reply. I'm glad a hacker was found and that your server is once more secure.
  15. I know that pitched tents are server locked. What I want to ask is... If I loot a tent and keep it in my invent. Will this transfer between servers?
  16. incus

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Would be damn funny. :D Oh yes, I'm grinning like an 8 year old at Christmas thinking about it. I can only picture the flood of youtube videos showing this! Hurry up server admins!:D
  17. incus

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Welcome back. I really need food!!!! I think I just creamed! Can't wait to find one of these and try it in-game. I might just have to turn bandit to laugh as I chase around hapless re-spawns. Hahahahaha. I like the dark night we have now. Wonder how this changes things? Finally steaks that act like steaks ;)
  18. incus

    Weapons .Bin

    OK. Every time I join a server, I get this message. Its not a game breaker as I just click OK and continue on in. I seem to have all the weapons. (Skins etc) So what does it do? Should I be worried? :blush:
  19. incus

    Weapons .Bin

    Thank you for the reply. Will do!
  20. incus

    No sound

    You were most likely on a 1.70 server. Even though you where running 1.7.1 /Beta. I did that earlier.