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About andreim92

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  1. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    OMG I FINALLY FOUND OUT WHAT IT WAS, IT WAS THE FUCKING -winxp added in the parameters....thank you so much for your help :) ....this thread can be closed now.
  2. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    Tried to delete a user profile of catalyst located in appdata but still no success ,tried deleting the dayz folder in appdata but still nothing ,Jesus ....
  3. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    I simply cannot make any changes to the game... (ingame or using cfg files...) wtf did i do
  4. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    yup ...exactly what i did with the ccc part
  5. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    IMG http://postimg.org/image/tt20t5tnz/ did reset the CCC nothing happened
  6. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    tried doing that and it crashes.... I changed it's profile (dont know what hell that means) ,i think the settings are somewhere else than the documents folder or game folder...it's something deeper than that...
  7. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    did the dayz profile delete part several times and still nothing
  8. andreim92

    Catalyst profile problem.

    Ok guys ,this is a tough one for me atleast...I tried to put tesselation off in Catalyst CC and i made a profile for Dayz,when i wanted to save it said that that DayZ.exe profile already exists for the selected application and asked if i wanted to overwrite it. Saved it and entered the game...couldn't see my arms...etc... char was see-through ....nvm...i deleted the profile and though it was going to fix it and get back to normal...but when i entered it, the game crashes if i change the resolution and other stuff from render,almost everything that need to refresh by making the screen black.I tried to delete the DayZ.exe and let steam get it again for me...did that but i still cant change options. Any ideea how to delete or set to default the profile for DayZ.exe....is it even a file? or something? I'm starting to think that i have to change the windows to make it work again. If you guys have any ideas feel free to let them out. Thanks.Andrew.
  9. andreim92

    Changing video cards problem.

    I dont know man....this is one fucking wierd game...tried to disable HIPS on eset and didnt do shit....while entering Polana the FPS was like 13 for a long period of time....then i had to put down some more details and afer getting a 15-25 boost i had a fps drop to fucking 0-1 for like 30 seconds...this has to be fixed....
  10. andreim92

    Changing video cards problem.

    I tried everything you said....cherno and big cities ruin my fps...in small towns i can get to about 30 or even more....on fields i can get 60 or better....didnt try airport but im sure i get lots of fps there. Thanks for the reply...i think im going to take a break till the new render comes out...lets hope my beard won't reach 1 meter till then.
  11. andreim92

    Changing video cards problem.

    Ok,first off all hello to all of you out there!! I'm new here and unfortunately i had to join this community for the troubleshooting part....you know what i mean... Ok ,so heres my problem...a weird one I must say... This was my setup before buying a new video card. AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition 3.4 Ghz 4 GB DDR3 1333 Mhz and the best card i ever owned and loved , Ati Radeon HD4770 GA MA770T-UD3 mobo Now,I was able to run DAYZ SA quite ok on that spec on low settings and dont remember using any on very low...shadow disabled etc...I was ok with it ....of course lower FPS in cities and that kind of stuff....but as i said,i was perfectly fine with it and learned to live with it and could actually play it without getting annoyed. The things changed when I bought a GIGABYTE R9 280X 3GB Windforce and had really nasty problems with DAYZ (ONLY DAYZ) I started to have insane FPS drops ,for example next to Cherno...I was looking at the town exit and had like 30-40 and when I looked at the city i've seen it drop to as low as 6 FPS (15-18 after it calmed a bit) ,normal FPS in Cherno is like 10-20 ....and thats driving me crazy because I cant cope with that...and thats on freaking low settings.....with no shadows and no nothing... I dont know whats wrong but stepping to a High End Video Card made my experience way worst that i could have imagined with this game...it actually destroyed the game for me because it's unplayable and i really love the game. Tried all kinds of optimization GUIDES and didn't help me a bit.Modified cfg files and start parameters and that kind of stuff. Any idea why this happened?Is it because the card is way better than the CPU and it bottlenecks it?More WAAAAAMMM or what? I have to say that i finished CRYSIS 3 on very high/high and play lots of new games like Far Cry 4 ultra/high and it runs great so that proves that the card is ok. Will the new render engine solve this game out? BTW ,im playing on a 24 inch display at 1080p. Thanks. Andrew