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Everything posted by Wagamama

  1. Wagamama

    Fires & logs?

    I also have tried for the last two days to light a fire. Can't seem to get kindling either. Chopping down a bush while 'cutting kindling' doesn't work and I was in a deep forest looking for sticks, and tried unsuccessfully to 'find kindling' over 20 times. I figured in a deep forest would be a better chance and 20 times? I did log in and out a couple of times as it was over 2 days trying, still can't. Buddy eventually died due to wet and hypothermia. Those all night servers with rain can be deadly....
  2. So I just recently bought the game and after a few trial deaths I started to get the hang of it. Unfortunately during my last session I had to go and thinking I was smart I parked myself in a house and logged out. When I logged back on, the server I was originally on wasn't around and I started out on another server. Now my guy is stuck in the middle of a floor and I can't suicide as I am only carrying an axe and try as I might I can't lop off a leg or anything. Is there some back end way to delete this dude and start again?
  3. Wagamama

    Character reset question

    Ha! Wish it was a more popular server and I had VOIP, would have been funny. Some pron music on the radio in the background... Not quite as amusing as typing sex noises, "Someone keeps typing Fap over and over again"....
  4. I know this house, same thing happened to me and I didn't have a way of committing suicide. Tried rolling, vaulting crawling, etc. Eventually I just had to let that guy starve and restart again. I sent in a bug report. Now I only log out when standing on firm ground or doesn't have a split level. Sorry man.
  5. Wagamama

    Character reset question

    Thanks guys. I have tried all the rolling, vaulting and etc. I'll try the running while loading next, failing that it looks like I'm up for starvation. See you in the field. Don't be a stranger ;)