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Everything posted by TractorFiend

  1. TractorFiend

    Hackers and Exploits

    Completely fucking fed up with dying due to some total fucktard child who thinks he's '1337' by hacking day z servers and killing everyone. In light of this happening to me three times in the past 7 days, (every time being very well geared), I would like to suggest a restore point from unknown deaths. Or some system similar. It's very frustrating when this sort of thing happens, after spending hours getting your gear and being careful to avoid zombies and other players.
  2. TractorFiend

    Hackers and Exploits

    Well then the other thing I'd suggest doing is tightening up security
  3. TractorFiend

    Hackers and Exploits

    Someone called in an airstrike, there was an explosion in the distance then I died
  4. TractorFiend

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I don't know if anybody else is experiencing this, but if I log out of a server and log in again, I get a max of 7fps. Usually at around 40fps
  5. That's right, everyone on the server died instantly. Don't know who did it or what, but me and my mate were sorted for gear and were about to head to the NWAF, when bam! YOU ARE DEAD out of nowhere.
  6. TractorFiend

    UK Survivor looking for a team/squad

    You guys can add me too, 23/m/KERNOW. Usually play with a mate who lives near oxford. Steam ID: ThePantryMaster
  7. NO It's annoying as hell, forces you into cherno/elektro to be ganked. As for the whole thing about "you don't have a pistol at home" thing, you're forgetting that not everybody is a master of all types of weapons and vehicles. The 'realism' logic is utterly flawed.
  8. For me, 1.7.1 is completely unplayable. It's not fun any more. Crawling around prone for miles sucks ass, the games pace was perfect in the last patch. Now you have to crawl everywhere to get past a zombie. You've got to be batshit crazy to think that it's better. Something like going into a small village and looking for bits and bobs used to take maybe 15 minutes, and you'd come out feeling like you've accomplished something. To do the same thing now, you've got to crawl everywhere, it takes 3x a long, you can't crawl into a building so as soon as you're stood up a zombie will spot you with their ultravision. The verdict? Not fun at all. As for the new players who have just bought the game to play this mod, man I am feeling sorry for them. It was tough enough starting off in 1.7.0, learning the controls, getting a feel for the game, understanding how the context menu works, and that inventory system, eww. It's cool when you know how to use it, but for a new player, this game is going to be impossible. What will happen is, someone will pick up the game, spawn, not have a weapon, they won't know where to find a weapon, they'll figure out they can sneak around, then a zombie will spot them because sneaking no longer works, they'll then run around for 5 minutes miles from anywhere, give up and die. Then they'll just go and tell their mates not to even bother because the game sucks. That what I would do if I was new to the game. As for starting at night with this new patch, fuuuuck that. I don't mind playing at night as it was, infact, it brought a kind of creepy element to the game where you would go around a corner and find yourself face to face with a zombie, thinking "shit shit shit shit, has it spotted me???!", usually it does, but when it doesn't it feels like you've dodged a bullet. Now though, nighttime is impossible, unless you're very well geared (NVG etc), especially with no weapon starting out. I was not one to fiddle with the gamma settings in game, although you can still turn gamma up on your monitor. The whole thing with not being able to edit the gamma is kind of stupid. This is what I've been doing in the past hour: So I just died right, spawned near Elektro, what did I do? I ran into town, straight into a medium yield building with around 15 zombies chasing me. I looted a lee enfield and got away. There is no point trying to sneak around any more, and the zombies are really fucking easy to lose. My mate whom I've been playing this with is currently on has 2 vision bars and he's prone. I like how you can lose the zombies now, that's a good addition, although needs some tuning (bit too easy to lose them). But the weapon thing is going to hurt the new players more than anything. I myself don't mind it so much, but with the zombies being super alert and you being ultra visible, it's stupid. The game worked, now it doesn't. So as the title of the thread stated, where can I download the old patch to play on a 1.7.0 server? Inb4 fanboys tell me to go play CoD (shit game, gtfo), "crying kid", "finally its hardcore yeaaah it rules", "shut up self entitled noob", "don't play it then", "It's Rockets mod he can do what he likes" ass kissing bullshit.
  9. TractorFiend


    Spent £25 to play a mod of a game that has developed a lot of hype. Enjoyed it immensely up until this last patch where the game has took a down hill turn for the sake of the already well geared 'hardcore elite' player base. It's called FEEDBACK.
  10. TractorFiend

    Crying about current issues?

    OP stop munching on the devs cock. The new patch has made the vast majority of the player base that aren't part of this 'hardcore elite' group ragequit. I am one of those people, not playing this until the major points most people have stated have been changed.
  11. TractorFiend

    1.7.1 in 20 words or less

    No weapon food water at start forces you to go into a coastal town to get ganked, this sucks, at least give a gun with 1 mag. zombies can see you from miles away when you're SNEAKING around (wasn't broken before, why try to fix it?) Zombies are very easy to lose now if you're in a town or building, this is kind of stupid, needs some sort of balance Zombies should run straight at you (if you're looking for zombie realism), not zigzagging all over the fucking place making them near impossible to shoot.