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About Des1979

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Des1979

    Memory could not be written

    I have exactly the same problem - try install latest video driver, that works for me. If that not helps try reinstall all files from Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ\_CommonRedist and restart comp.
  2. Des1979

    DayZ Won't SA Steam Won't launch

    Is there any chance for help from Game Developers? Someone can help with this?
  3. Des1979

    DayZ Won't SA Steam Won't launch

    Hey Drow_Elf_Drizzt, are you here? Can you tell us how to skip this issue???
  4. Des1979

    DayZ Won't SA Steam Won't launch

    Can you tell what to do, which dll etc.?
  5. Des1979

    DayZ Won't SA Steam Won't launch

    I have exact same problem.When I click on "play" - "preparing to launch" and nothing happens, proces dayz.exe dissapear from system proceslist. I try almost everything - reinstall dayz, reinstal steam, manualy download and reinstall battleye, clean registry, edit firewall rules, turn off firewall and windows defender, install directx sdk, install net framework, edit dayz.cfg - resolution, windowed mode etc., edit dayz steam start parameters, start as administrator dayz, steam, battleeye, turn off desktop theme for dayz, dayz_be and this all for nothing. I always play dayz on my stationary computer and on my laptop - and this annoing issue afect my laptop (Dell Alienware Mx11R2 with i7 and 8Gb RAM). I still can play on stationary computer, but often I use my laptop to play dayz and now I don't know what to do with this, coz I try almost everything and still nothing. Maybe dayz support look at this problem, coz many people have exactly the same problem and can't play game which they pay for. Please DEVS fix this!!!