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Posts posted by Artyom_DayZ

  1. Great quote that nails the way most of us view this wonderful game, it is the ultimate human hunting simulator.


    A lot of ill advised hate out there for us PVP lovers despite the fact that WE ARE IN THE MAJORITY. Dayz is a game about hunting players and being hunted by players, the killing of players is simply the best part of the game, if killing players was not permitted this game would die faster than a carebear with hand-crafted backpack and bow saying 'friendly' lol.




    I particularly like the moment when I break a mans ego.

    Bobby Fischer


    So you only play DayZ to kill people? You never talk to anyone or interact and try to meet new people? CoD would be good for you

  2. I agree with OP.


    I was running around Berezino today and I encountered a bambi. We talked for a bit and he asked me if I had some food, so I opened a can for him and dropped it on the ground. He said thanks, I then spotted another new spawn running towards me. I ask he he wants some food and he says sure, so I open another can of food and drop it on the ground. Whle I'm facing the second guy that approached, the guy I JUST gave food to earlier and told me thanks for it raises his fists and knocks me out.


    I'm KOSing pretty much everyone I see now unless they give me a reason otherwise.
