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Everything posted by Sanguise

  1. Sanguise

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    that at least makes some sense. I would like larger buildings to and cities more like those posted above but would never leave over not getting it
  2. Sanguise

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    HAHA quitting an awesome game over store sizes what a joke.
  3. Sanguise

    Chopper and Truck spawns glitched?

    i believe this is known to be the case at least for heli's (static)
  4. i think its a bug, all the speicla inventory items are bugged, ammo box medkit and sm protector cases
  5. My only issue with random spawn gear(including chance of nothing) is i see ppl suicideing to get their fav start gear
  6. Sanguise

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    man! was so excited for .57 now i guess ill see you all in a few weeks
  7. Sanguise

    Tents and persistance

    So tents are no longer wiped on wend correct? I assume that also includes things on the ground (backpacks) was this always the case with no tent items? what im asking is before tents were immune from wend wipes how did you save all the loot in them when you packed it up was it just in a backpack on the ground? I have zero experience using tents or avoiding loot loss due to wend wipes
  8. Sanguise

    Tents and persistance

    I guess i just dont play enough for it to be a help. well now that they are "safe" from wend wipes maybe they are
  9. Sanguise

    I kind of did something...unspeakable

    mu shu long pork!
  10. Sanguise

    I think i am turning into a KOS type...

    I've not been playing to long (12-2014) however i would say that most of my player interactions have been bad. 7/10 times one of us is killed. My brother on the other hand rarely meets hostility. I like attempting to be friendly. One person the first day i played befriended us and plays regularly with me, he even looted and held my gear when i was booted and died.
  11. Sanguise

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hello! Sanguise here. Started playing DayZ: SA over the xmas break and loving it. Dont get tons of time to play but every death im recooping faster. Hope to see some friendlies in game!