That's true but i still think this will make sence. People are not going to be 24/7 in that mode. They will get bored and will play on the exp servers. I think that is will work because the mode is a place that you can do whatever you want in it. Lets say o let me check if cooking still works. You just spawn in the parts of it to make a fire place and you'll if cooking is working on this patch. You get the hole map and sort of cheats to look if there arn't any miss placed objects. My point is that you will have command's and shit to change the weather, fast forward time. teleport ect. I don't think people will stikck around the hole day on that mode because it is single player. Maby 3/4 of the dayz players are fucking around and KOS other players and not actually trying to find bugs. Because that was the purpose of early acces, right?.