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Everything posted by IgnobleBasterd

  1. IgnobleBasterd

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

  2. Okay, now I don't know from where this game is coming. My current situation: I have an AKM with a rail handguard. I can't fit the ATLAS bipod on it (nor weapon flashlight). Me and another guy is experiencing the same problem in this thread: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/228737-rail-bipodflashlight-and-akm-magazines/ Meanwhile, a guy in THIS thread says that it works like intended. No problems putting the ATLAS Bipod on the AKM with rail: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/228864-akm-or-blaze-95-as-primary/?p=2306491 What the hell is going on here?
  3. There really needs to be an in-game Report Server option. It is just too much of a hassle to mail around to different server owners and shit.
  4. IgnobleBasterd

    Dayz Reviews on Steam

    Shouldn't be allowed to review a game that hasn't been released yet.
  5. IgnobleBasterd

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    If there weren't a choice, people would simply get used to 1pp and continue to play. 3pp needs to be removed!
  6. IgnobleBasterd

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    If only 1pp existed, then people would only play 1pp. It would be awesome!
  7. IgnobleBasterd

    First vs Third Person Discussion (Dslyecxi video)

    Because 3pp servers are stealing people away from 1pp.
  8. IgnobleBasterd

    Helicopters ETA?

  9. IgnobleBasterd

    Helicopters ETA?

    Remember that, just as the truck, choppers will for a period need to be tested without finding a load of equipment. That means #YOLO #KAMIKAZE!
  10. IgnobleBasterd

    Helicopters ETA?

    Can't wait until I can fly a chopper and just kamikaze crash into a group of well geared people! :D
  11. IgnobleBasterd


    Actually, a kitchen knife isn't the most effective thorax weapon, since it is to broad to go in between your costae if not tilted enough. In real life violence you see more lethal damage done from for example screwdrivers than large scary kitchen knives.
  12. IgnobleBasterd

    [Poll] Official servers 1pp only

    YES! If they refuse to simply remove 3pp-crap-mode, this is the next best thing!
  13. IgnobleBasterd

    Just had a random character wipe

    Seems there is a problem at the moment, with all servers? Can't join any, just stays at Wait for host. I was playing and suddenly got massive desync with "Receiving" indefinitely.
  14. IgnobleBasterd

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    Oh. I haven't actually submerged myself, I was just referring to me running around in heavy rain.
  15. IgnobleBasterd

    Mystery disease

    I still want to be able to collect the diarrhoea in a bottle, though.
  16. IgnobleBasterd

    How to Fix the Fashion Issue

    Really? I haven't gotten wet in gorka ever.
  17. IgnobleBasterd

    Mystery disease

    I've seen several syringes.
  18. IgnobleBasterd

    Mystery disease

    That's what I do in real life. Trust me, I'm Bear Grylls!
  19. IgnobleBasterd

    Day Z as it should be : The Earth Abides

    This. It would work if nobody had to work/study/wo whatever and actually had the time to sit for many hours per day. Most people don't have this kind of time, sadly.
  20. IgnobleBasterd

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Perhaps remove 3pp. :) Then everyone would have to play 1pp, and it would be fair for everyone!
  21. IgnobleBasterd

    Rare Civilian Clothing

    The ability to take of your underwear and actually be naked!
  22. IgnobleBasterd

    Mystery disease

    Considering we now have messages like "I just soiled myself", that means we have defecation in the game. I really want to be able to collect it in a bottle and force feed it to people! If you roleplay as a psycho, you really should be able to go all the way!
  23. IgnobleBasterd

    The problem with the game. My views

    In my defense it is my work car which I didn't have a say in ;) My private car is auto
  24. IgnobleBasterd

    Server removal

    I just don't stash things because it is just too insecure.