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Everything posted by The_Real_MyDingaling

  1. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Rico from Israel [13:03]

    Nice video bro. Shame someone in your YT comments spoiled it before I saw it!
  2. The_Real_MyDingaling


    A series of incidents playing with friends and strangers in Dayz; some good, some bad and some ugly. I met a few players in this and play with three or four different Knights. There are a mixture of incidents with differing outcomes.
  3. The_Real_MyDingaling


    Until the embedding issue is sorted and you can see the video above, here is a workaround: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaDOrMPX1OM
  4. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Kill the sniperz

    I was shot by a sniper team as I spoke to Chairman from high up on the hills overlooking Elektro. Although the team had moved away, we decided to track them down as soon as I got back. The problem was, we didn't know how many or how well armed they were. We just wanted to kill them.
  5. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Kill the sniperz

    Thank you for taking the time to watch it and comment.
  6. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Why CARS need to be added to DayZ [Bohemian Rapsody Parody]

    Haha I am the number 1 Wayne's World fan - well done :P :D B)
  7. The_Real_MyDingaling

    My seven lives

    These are seven lives in about an hour of Dayz only last night. For the first one I had been travelling around the map and enjoying myself with my weapons shouldered. Some lives are short but the remainder are fun and I enjoyed them. I hope you do too.
  8. Good point m8. I'd love throwing stuff at people with guns :)
  9. The_Real_MyDingaling


    Never seen such poor range discipline. Kids should be kids. That's irresponsible parenting!
  10. The_Real_MyDingaling

    No Hold Ups Allowed On This Server m8

    ok the 1969 bit on your Steam was a clue (I am a baby boomer of '64) B)
  11. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Flanged Mace is a balanced weapon:

    You can see a woman hit me and kill me after four hits I think in my "What I like about Dayz" video. The video should start at the correct part of the film: https://youtu.be/7BZhEt7NTwY?t=1m8s
  12. The_Real_MyDingaling

    0.58 EXP Encounters - Dayz Standalone

    Your gamma/contrast looks way too high. I prefer the original look - as it is e.g. dark. Experiences can be different at North West. I met three friendlies in one day and no shots fired. I recorded it as no one would have believed it.
  13. The_Real_MyDingaling

    No Hold Ups Allowed On This Server m8

    eh? He sounds like a 45 year old Londoner :P or should I say "Landoner?" Anyway, as always, it's a good video.
  14. The_Real_MyDingaling

    They want us dead: The last patrol

    The Knights enter Elektro for the fourth and last time on this 1st person campaign. Right from the start we are separated and take casualties. We each fight two players each and try to meet up. Will we walk out? Will we be back on the beach with nothing? ;)
  15. The_Real_MyDingaling

    One life to live

    Hehe I thought so. Nevertheless, if a bambi rushes you, he deserves to get it (broken legs are my preference).
  16. The_Real_MyDingaling


    Very true. Some of the weapons don't feel very realistic. I've yet to fire an actual weapon that isn't easily controllable with training. I haven't shot anything that sways off as much as it does in Dayz, unless on full auto without you making an effort to aim lower and to the right as you fire it on auto (I am left handed).
  17. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Getting killed by bandits

    As others have said, run inland from wherever you start. It won't take long to find food or weapons. There are plenty of each. You must learn the map so you can travel directly without using roads. It's quicker and safer. Until then, use roads and check town names. Use an off-line map (I used an iPad with a map on). To learn the game in terms of survival against the game rather than players, play on lowly populated servers. You'll get more loot quicker and there won't be other players to kill you. That's how I learnt it. When you have more confidence, practice with weapons against zombies form distances and melee fighting with them. Once you're confident with that, join servers with a few players. If you see someone with a weapon holstered, talk to them but with cover nearby. If they have a weapon out, hide or shoot them. That bit is up to you. Above all, practice makes perfect :D If you get lucky, an experienced player(s) will be nice and show you the ropes.
  18. The_Real_MyDingaling

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    I had Windows 8.1 installed with all the updates, current drivers and bios up to date. I installed Windows 10 and other then removing some of the crap that comes with it, it works well. Personally, DayZ and all my other games ran very well anyway and don't appear any better now with Windows 10. I think the vast improvement you saw was from simply formatting your HD and starting again.
  19. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Would you support global chat being a sever option?

    No it's a daft idea. Idiots would spam it and kids would talk crap constantly (and others).
  20. What's the matter? Don't you have friends? Communication between players is inevitable, likely in a zombie apocalypse and actually fun! In game chat i soften not laud enough to be useful and at the moment not realistic.
  21. The_Real_MyDingaling

    One life to live

    Nice shooting. Well done on the handcuff. How did the first guy we see dead die on the construction site? You didn't show that. Didn't you hear those rounds coming in before they hit you? I counted two or three but you continued to remain still.
  22. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Lt Dan you ain't got no legs.

    lol that's so frustrating when that happens.
  23. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Flanged Mace is a balanced weapon:

    It would seem lots are once you drop them :P I was killed in three hits with one.
  24. The_Real_MyDingaling

    "A Stary Night"

    I don't think it is appropriate posting videos where you use the term, "nigger".
  25. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Even the Cows Can't Handle the Heat in .58

    Cow bandits are not cool >:(