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Everything posted by The_Real_MyDingaling

  1. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Fight Night

    Thank you Odin and JT. It was a crazy night.
  2. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Dayz - Myshkino 2v3 Tactics Fn Fal

    Lol nice video and I gave you a like. Vikings are usually friendly these days :P
  3. The_Real_MyDingaling

    That's what friends are for

  4. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Rocks and Ding House Clearance Ltd

    After a few friendly encounters, we hear gunfire from downtown Elektro. It's AK and Mosin fire and seems to be coming from one house. It's time for the house clearance boys to go into action. Unfortunately, things don't go quite to plan and later, Rocks has a confession.
  5. The_Real_MyDingaling

    DayZ standalone epic grenade bug

  6. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Into the Valley: Taking a bus up north

    Rocks finds a bus and we decide to take it up north. We start to take on passengers, some of whom are armed. When we finally arrive at the tents, chaos follows. We meet new armed people and several others shoot at us. Before long, it becomes a murder mystery. Some language issues don't help with the confusion :D
  7. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Fast and Furious

    A collection of clips from our travels around the map. The films feature the usual suspects and lots of other players. We use our new troll too, "That's the way the goat crumbles". Some of these clips are very short and others several minutes. Several of the group take part and lots of survivors from several different countries.
  8. The_Real_MyDingaling

    We all have to die - two parts

    Warning: Contains torture, English language (sometimes colourful) and death ++ Two films of the Knights with some patrolling, some fighting and some torture. Special thanks to the other players who played their roles well and stayed when they could have quit.... some even came back for more. Some of these players seem to like being a prisoner and the associated torture. Maybe it's something to do if you don't have much loot.
  9. The_Real_MyDingaling

    1st Person knight fighting

    I meet a couple of interesting people as a freshie in Svet before moving on for a fight with Chairman in Berezino. We heard two players shooting people with their Magnums. Their strategy was approach, be friendly and then shoot their victim. It was time for some knight fighting.
  10. The_Real_MyDingaling

    1st Person knight fighting

    Thx for the beans m8. I thought afterwards I should have thrown it at him as I had no rounds anyway!
  11. The_Real_MyDingaling

    The Dying

    It's all good fun. Either side could have ran but enjoyed the fight. It's not like it takes long to get it all back again so why not?
  12. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Very nasty tenants, who has the patience to camp in one place for three days?

    Good job. At least everyone knows where everyone camps. It's all good fun. I wouldn't say they were ghosting as the server had reset. If one of them ghosted in your game and move behind you that would not be good.
  13. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Driven to kill

    A couple of nice encounters doesn't last. It's nice to be able to trust people but sometimes it works out and sometimes people double cross you. The problem is, you don't know it is the latter until it is too late. Some things change you. You want revenge and you are driven by the actions of others to kill. You might not start out that way but you become what you despise in others. This is one of those examples.
  14. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Fighting for a friend

    Chairman and George came under fire from five French guys shooting everyone - freshies and all. I ran all the way back from the tents to help out. Later we wait for Geordie around Cherno police before moving to team up with Death's Door in Elektro. Chairman and Death's Door find a bus whilst Geordie and me gather gear for everyone. The bodycount mounts up. We finally head out looking for passengers for a relaxing end to the day and find new friends.
  15. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Fighting for a friend

    Thank you. I just wanted to help Chairman get some revenge :D
  16. The_Real_MyDingaling


    New spawns have nothing to lose right? So if an opportunity presents itself, why not? This film is about just that. Then you have the problem of protecting your stuff and your friend. There is an interesting end to this story.
  17. The_Real_MyDingaling

    TRUMPET (.22) ROBBERY! - DayZ Standalone - TheLonelyBandit

    I would never let someone with a Trumpet hold me up... or indeed with any weapon. I would have used some colourful language and smashed your face in. Me and my friend Geordie were once approached by two players shouting, "get on the floor" and aiming weapons. I ran around between them so if they shot, they might hit each other but they didn't so we assumed they didn't have ammo. We decided to aim our empty weapons at them and say the same. They did have ammo and shot but then ran away. We did too and everyone lived.
  18. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Desperate need of help

  19. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Of of the most satisfying things that can ever happen in Dayz!

    That's Dayz
  20. Just a short video of a trip up north with Chairman. By the time I met him, he'd already had a confrontation in a field by the military tents at Stary Sobor. We were then attacked in the village and I start filming from there. We meet another player en route to the airfield and for some reason the player runs at us and not away. He aims at us. We proceed to the NW the airfield tents and Chairman goes AFK at the bunker and my worst fears are realised :o
  21. The_Real_MyDingaling

    AFK: My friend is away at NW airfield tents and players turn up

    The mercy bit comes in when we give stuff away. Once attacked, they need to die or end up with broken legs although I did suggest that we should have got that bloke in the field up. We are nicer to a Swiss guy in the new film because we shot at him ;)
  22. The_Real_MyDingaling

    New Glock 19 In Exp

    It sounds similar to the CR75
  23. The_Real_MyDingaling

    Speak or shoot

    When do you know when to speak or shoot? Do you shoot then regret it? Do you not shoot, then find you have to? It's a difficult call unless you always shoot. These are examples of this type of scenario. What would you do?