been compiling this list for a while so i apologize if i repeat something.... 1 - the toilets outside as a "safe Area" for when players need a real toilet break. but when you enter it you disappear from sight so people dont wait for you to come back to kill you as you come out. 2 - gonna be tough to get started with CLE so maybe start the game fully hydrated, energized and healthy. 3 - ability to top up a gun with bullets rather than having to eject whats left first. 4 - random caves along the rock parts of the coast, be great place to use new torch and lots of other uses. 5 - waterproof trouser like the rain coat. 6 - ability to drive the trains from point to point, or as far as you can due to blocked tracks. 7 - wear more than one top, like shirt and jacket, especially good for when the winter comes. 8 - ability to walk while eating and drinking, though only the slow walk. 9 - one big in game map rather than bits to put together as i dont know anyone who bothers so waste really. 10 - ability to use the taps in houses for water, did the water company cut everybody off before they died or turned? 11 - use the first aid boxes on the walls. 12 - ability to open fridges and cupboards in houses. 13 - rotten zombies with arms missing, chunks of flesh missing etc. 14 - blood and saline yourself, can do it in real life and will be needed for the one player game when introduced. i know it aids need to help eachother but should be able to do it alone. 15 - random gear on zombies, are they naked in game? no so they should have items we can take, though if we shoot in chest it ruins their stuff like ours. 16 - water supply on prison island, would be 2 in exercise yard out the back. 17 - pin number on your base items like tents and actual bases when they are in. 18 - rest on a bed to regain health, something like 30sec rest for 5 health points (5 just a random figure) 19 - new ui needs to show hydrated, energized and healthy status. 20 - drag and drop inventory items so can have items in order you want without having to take everything off and putting it back on in order you want it 21 - additional use for rope, throw it over a tree and hang someone who is restrained and/or hang the corpse of a zombie up as a warning