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Everything posted by Surviv0r1969

  1. Surviv0r1969

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    cant take dying every 30mins from hunger/thirst going back to stable
  2. Surviv0r1969

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    thats so you can sort the inventory how toy want it, last on is on the bottom
  3. Surviv0r1969

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    there was an exp server in the list just now but its the version ahead of the update that we have. only had 1 player on it and now its gone was "DayZ GD (experimental/unstable)"...... GD= game developer??? maybe update soon
  4. Surviv0r1969

    Electro without Zombies

    thoughts??? mmmmmm...... go play call of duty, apocalypse survival game, so many not quite getting that part. guns will attract zombies end of story Seen this vid if you think that was alot of Z's CLICK HERE
  5. Surviv0r1969

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    theres a new exp update now
  6. Surviv0r1969

    Camo builing full of dupers with m4! Successful breach with few bullets

    using a sewing kit you have a small chance of infection
  7. Surviv0r1969

    horde In Balota Caged, My First DayZ Video

  8. Surviv0r1969

    horde In Balota Caged, My First DayZ Video

    experimental, run them around hence why they slow made it easier to control... all coming in 0.56
  9. Surviv0r1969


    how can i change my user name here? without opening new account? thanks
  10. Surviv0r1969


    lol i had but neer noticed the name at bottom b4 thanks
  11. Surviv0r1969

    Hordes of Infected...Finally!

    what like this in balota? this wasnt half of them, uploading a vid too that ill post when done
  12. Surviv0r1969

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    love the update so far, few bugs but nothing major. keep it up m8 you guys are awesome
  13. Surviv0r1969

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    trusting them strangers has made me some good gaming friends.... whats the worse that can happen...you die? wow that never happens in this game
  14. Surviv0r1969

    Do DayZ and Teamwork mix?

    rather have DayZ as a survival game heavily driven by teamwork mechanics. least amount of kos, we have COD and arma for that type of game. we want something different. yes sometimes a fight is inevitable but kos if boring and ruins the theme of the game, Surviving as a human race, overcoming the hazard of an apocalyptic world together
  15. Surviv0r1969

    First time experience

    turn off post process and it stops the blur, u can still tell when gonna die soon as black and white
  16. Surviv0r1969

    DayZ Mod or Standalone?

    i got both.....standalone by FAR!!!!
  17. Surviv0r1969


    what is happening to this game??? there is now no interaction at all, everyone is kos..... been play for 30 mins and been killed 4 times. trying to talk but nothing, even just saved someone from zombie attack and then he killed me. it is going to ruin the game, snipers everywhere FFS if you want that go play COD or something similar, it is getting ridiculous and is going to drive a hell of alot of people away from this game. they want a survival game where people come together to survive. h1z1 night not be in the same class as dayz but i tell ya what i have not been kos once on that game. spoke to loads of people, gone into their base for food and water, been taken around parts of the map being shown where things arre, seeing and talking to people not just looking down the barrel of a gun. go play fucking go play call of duty unless your here to play this game properly!!!! rant over back to the game and hope it will be different but it really is getting me down, played over 1000 hours in this game and love it, but the kos has to stop or it really will ruin the game
  18. Surviv0r1969

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    whats the deal with crouching after stepping over a fence?? player randomly lays down to eat or pick something up. not to mention the no loot making just about everyone hostile and killing anyone they can for meat. 4 times i was killed last night and every time i went back to the location to find bones. this lack of loot has dramatically reduced the interaction with players, you might find what you think is a friendly until your not looking then they attack you. i do hope they fix it, yes it was too easy before but this is just plain ridiculous and i dont hold out much hope when it is sorted being that much better.
  19. Surviv0r1969


    why do some servers keep kicking you off?? some as soon as you connect, whats the point of renting server then kicking people off of it!!
  20. Surviv0r1969


    you have been kicked from the server......... ping is fine etc lot of the time its while spawning in, only got one doing it at mo tho but annoying
  21. Surviv0r1969

    Status Report - 08 Apr 15

    or force more killing for your stuff (which i have seen)
  22. Surviv0r1969

    Status Report - 08 Apr 15

    sooner base build comes into it the better, as long as its possible to lock your base with a pin number or something
  23. Surviv0r1969

    the reaction to mass amounts of zeds worry me

    think the Z's are too strong now, it has gone crazy, they ruin gear thats hard to find so quickly. not to mention taking 5-6 whacks to the head with a fire axe, that just wouldnt happen, would be like 2 hits max one to open up the skull and the other to damage the brain killing them. never ever gonna stand a chance with a few of them, not in a millioj years. it has been taken too far and takes alot of fun out of the game.
  24. Surviv0r1969

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    THINK IT HAS BEEN TURNED UP A little too much, i mean 5 head shots with a fire axe to kill a zombie, 1 was too easy but think 2 would be a better number