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About ChewyMint

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. ChewyMint

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Hey Hicks I have just a few questions, about the same subject of the future plans for persistance of dead bodies This is because some of my best memories from the DayZ Mod was finding dead survivors in the strangest of places and wondering what their stories were, how they died etc. I've tried to keep the questions as specific as possible to make them easier for you to answer, and to make it harder for you to dodge them <3 (Don't take that as a challenge!) 1. The suggestion has been mentioned several times, do you have any plans to have things like birds circling dead bodies, so that they can be seen from afar? (This would be cool especially since a question mentioned body bags... Maybe you'd have pack up bodies to avoid giving away their location?) 2. Will the fly sound or something equivalent ever return? It used to be bone-chilling to suddenly hear flies in the mod, because you knew something bad had happened there... Recently. 3. Any plans on increasing the time a survivor's corpse stays around for? It seems fairly short at the moment. (I know performance is an issue, but it's really a shame!) 4. Now that you've announced growing beards and other player characteristics changing over time, how about decomposition of dead players? I realise this is probably not high on the endless list of things you guys want to do, but I like this idea so much. I love the tracking aspect, and this would make it possible to get an idea of when the player you just found actually died and increase immersion. 4.5 what about players returning as zombies? (I know this has been asked before, but I honestly can't remember what your opinion on it was). Thanks for your continued hard work on the game. Looking forward to the next update :)