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Mays (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mays (DayZ)

  1. Mays (DayZ)

    Am I allowed to keep this..?

    Well, I was fixing that bus for an hour then I got teleported :| I think I deserve it :P
  2. Uhh, wouldn't it be easier to use Steam voice?
  3. What server do you normally go on? And what's your steam?
  4. Uh, yeah, I'll hear you. Just won't speak via voice.
  5. Uh, I don't do Voice Chat |: is it possible just to type in game?
  6. Mays (DayZ)

    Every time I spawn, I'm in a bandit skin.

    That happened to me, but I didn't kill anyone, not even a friend. And thanks, Delta Smoke :P
  7. Mays (DayZ)

    Every time I spawn, I'm in a bandit skin.

    You have a point.
  8. Mays (DayZ)

    Humanity Glitch?

    Just murdered someone, became a bandit, had my humanity at -2000. About 5 minutes later, I was in Balota Airstrip and I walked up the stairs and I fell in water, went into first person, and my humanity reset? ehhh
  9. Mays (DayZ)

    Humanity Glitch?

    It's happening every 5 minutes. My bandit skins goes, and comes back, and goes, and comes back.
  10. Mays (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    Thanks! I've got -37000 humanity... Hero skin? Giving blood transfusions?
  11. Mays (DayZ)


    If it's hackers, it's bad.. but that sounds so awesome.
  12. Generally, Regular and Recruit servers have less hackers. I haven't come across ONE hacker in my two months of playing. :)
  13. Mays (DayZ)

    Vehicles.. Lets be honest

    I just think after a few days they respawn. In game days.
  14. Mays (DayZ)

    Debug monitor will be gone in 1.7.3 !

    When did they re-add the Bandit skin? Is it staying? And can someone give me the most recent changelog? Haven't played in weeks.
  15. You know you play DayZ too much when you go in someone's shed to try and find wheels to repair your car.
  16. Haven't played in weeks, logged on and there's humanity and I had a cloaked hood on (very fashionable) So did they add it back or what? inb4openyoureyes. I'm on my phone, i cba to check
  17. Mays (DayZ)

    They re-added the bandit skin?

    Yeah, there was a hint of sarcasm in the title.. lol
  18. Mays (DayZ)

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    10/10. Would read again. It's fun seeing 15+ kids masturbating over ponies. "OMG SHE LOOKS LIKE, SO CUTE OMG." was a top comment on a brony video. Sad. Discuss.
  19. Is it updated and do I keep the loot I have now
  20. Mays (DayZ)

    use of cargo planes in Dayz

    Tanks would not be overpowered if they camped the coast killing new people or camped in a firestation. Of course. Battlefield is that-a-way ----->
  21. It's right near the coast, but I'm not sure where it is... I had to walk 10 minutes, find a bridge, jump off it 5 times, break a bone, then jump off again cause I didn't start bleeding. If I knew where it was, I'd walk.
  22. If so what vehicle was it? I've been chased by a bike, car and helicopter :P
  23. Mays (DayZ)

    Spawned in Wilderness - Where is it?

    I think it is. So hard to kill yourself.