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Mays (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mays (DayZ)

  1. Mays (DayZ)

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    We'll need fireworks.
  2. Mays (DayZ)

    Removing the respawn button sucks.

    That's the point of it.. it stops dicks like you. JUST RUN. It doesn't take long.
  3. Mays (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor Population Zero?

    Already have.
  4. Mays (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor Population Zero?

    You're a camping bastard.
  5. Mays (DayZ)

    Stary Sobor dead?

    Trix are for kids.
  6. Mays (DayZ)

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    Because there are zombies in it?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS1wzdlu-WM Very good parody of the song 'call me maybe'. Not my video. Sorry if it's been posted.
  8. Mays (DayZ)

    Call me Day Z (music parody)

    haha yep
  9. Mays (DayZ)

    Call me Day Z (music parody)

    Don't think he has one, but you can hit the subscribe button!
  10. Mays (DayZ)

    Call me Day Z (music parody)

    I haven't either. They probably spawned them.
  11. Mays (DayZ)

    I quit! im done! no more...

    tl;dr oh, and your sig would make more sense if you did you are.
  12. Mays (DayZ)

    People can be friendly

    Same thing happened to me last night..
  13. Mays (DayZ)

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Can't you guys figure it out that some people's revolvers do 1 hit still and others don't? It's clearly not an intended thing. It's a bug. I will try it and edit my result.
  14. Mays (DayZ)

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    People do it, you can't really complain or do anything.
  15. Like, they miss constant shots? I'm not saying they're bad cause I will get slaughtered, I've realised sniping isn't as easy as a CoD or a Battlefield, but have you come across a sniper who's missed constant shots? Was in Stary, heard nothing, cooked meat outside the tents on the barrel, was chillin'.. until I got in another tent and heard a sniper bullet fly past me. I saw the shine on his sniper rifle (or it was a shot; not sure) and knew where he was, when he moved or shuffled I ran out the tent and hid behind a toilet (yeah..) he then retreated? And ran away. He had a massive advantage on me yet I got away. Didn't find him though. Anyone else had similar stories?
  16. Mays (DayZ)

    Ever come across an 'unlucky' sniper?

    My friend said I was lucky, or the sniper was bad xD
  17. Mays (DayZ)

    Heli Crash Site

    I fount one earlier, it had just been looted though. Had empty tin cans.
  18. Mays (DayZ)


    Climbing on-top. BANDIT, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL! *revolver shots* Fantasy, don't hate.
  19. Mays (DayZ)

    DayZed and ConfuZed

    I didn't.
  20. Mays (DayZ)

    Favourite vehicle in DayZ?

    Yeah it does flip a lot.
  21. Mays (DayZ)

    Favourite vehicle in DayZ?

    What makes the van even more epic is, if you got into the airfield while no-one was there, you can take so many guns. It can store 4 weapons + 50 slots. 6 seats, too.
  22. Mays (DayZ)

    I feel horrible.

    I fount this guy in Cherno. He had a mak and an enfield, he shot at first, but then said friendly and all that jazz. I told him there was a car just ahead of solnich, and he said, let's go, but first.. we had to get 4 wheels. We got all the wheels, and walked about half way, and I was on 12k blood, he was on 11k, but I got hit by a zombie, and went down with a broken bone. See, he dc'd and I went ahead, but I didn't know that at first, I was crawling in the road and he come along and fixed me up, gave me blood and morphine. When ran through solnich, well I did, he got a broken bone, I had no ammo.. so I had to leave him. I HAD TO LEAVE HIM. I got the car, drove back to him.. and he was saying "you should of helped", "we were so close and you back stabbed me". I feel horrible. RIP, webkeeper.
  23. Mays (DayZ)

    I feel horrible.

    Yeah he had about 30 zombies on him and I had no ammo. haha
  24. There was a green crate (?) or box on the floor outside in Cherno, and I opened it and it had an M107 with 10 mags? Since when?
  25. Mays (DayZ)

    Anyone else fount these?

    Decisions! :D