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About Flatus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Heh yeah I had good gear once but I die too often to worry about that stuff. I usually carry as much junk stuff as I can so when I die the only loot my killer gets are books and damaged clothing :)
  2. Thanks for the all the info. I should have included that most people I meet in the game are great and I've had almost all good experiences.
  3. I guess the only thing that would worry me about alienating noobs is that they could very well get discouraged from playing. I didn't really care cause I knew not to invest in gear since I die a lot hah but yeah I see the reason for the rule for sure.
  4. Ahhh so the "friendly" servers are kind of newb traps unfortunately, I'm glad I learned that. Well the one of the cool things about this game is there's so many ways to play it : ) Thanks
  5. I've been playing for about a month now and I really like the game but I keep getting killed by players on non pvp servers. Is this typical? If so are there any servers that are truly non pvp. I really just want to explore for now and I don't want to worry about other players. Tonight there was a group of four or five people working together in full military gear that killed me. I'm literally just running around when I get killed so 'm thinking that this is just the way it is and there's no way to control it, yet. If that's the case that's fine I just figured I'd ask instead of trying that task anymore and getting killed when I don't expect it. Great game by the way. First game in a long time I've gotten into.