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About WhisperKicker

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  1. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - 3 mar 15

    will the new rendering engine be able to support the Oculus rift?
  2. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    seriously though, military will try not to overload a vehicle and plan a comfortable load, but in a zombie apocalypse are you going to leave a buddy behind just because he can't have his personal space between him and the person with cuties next to him? I think you should be able to grab onto the side of slow moving vehicle and hang on or pile in as needed to escape a bad situation.
  3. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - 17 Feb 15

    Here's a pic of my v3s fully loaded:
  4. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    Seems like it shouldn't be too difficult to initiate a logged stream of the data from the server to a database like Cassandra, where it could be read and played back later. Set a short ttl for the data like a day or so and even adjust the resolution of what's kept.
  5. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    ahh, sorry. It did help me clarify my stance. Some things don't translate very well to simulation.
  6. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    Serelaw, lol, I'm sure I could put up 10 1st person screen shots in various locations some squatting some standing and I'd be impressed if you got more than 6-7 right. Yet, I could have you stand or squat in real life and you'd likely be able to guess 10 out of 10 times if you were standing or squatting. This is a disconnect between simulation and reality.
  7. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - Week of 12 Jan 15

    Perhaps better than banning, use some passive aggressive techniques. Set so ever can they open spills 100%. Every hit they take damages everything to ruined. They don't even need to know for sure they got caught. They could just think it got really hard for some reason.
  8. WhisperKicker

    Status Report - Week of 05 Jan 15

    This is where game play immersion and reality start to break down. One of the reasons I played 3rd person was because in reality I know for sure if I'm squatting, knelling, sitting or prone. In 1st person there is just some slight variation to my view height. I really wish there was an identification/stick figure icon that told me what my stance was. The other issue was field of view, I've fixed that one by going to 3 monitors and now enjoy playing 1st person more. Identifying people, again in reality is something easy to do and we do it naturally. Of course it's not as easy as being able to tell if we are still laying down or if we got up again, but the level of detail that would need to go into individualizing in game avatars is not something that computers can currently handle, yet alone the artistic understanding to make it happen. Sure there's a lot that could be done, perhaps slight variations in limb length. Multiple walking gaits with varying degree's of swagger would be cool. Height and width variation. Shoulder slope and torso shapes (ie V, barrel, or pair shapes) would also be good. At the very least please put in a female character with a nice butt. If I'm playing in 3rd person and have to stare at something it should be nice. (apologies to the model of the current female character) :D