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Everything posted by velan

  1. Hey guys. So I decided to pick up DayZ on my Stream. I focus on PvP and Squad Play, stop by for Laughs and Pure Awesomeness! Also have a twitter for quicker updates about events and stream info. On my YouTube accound you can find Stream Highlights if you missed out on a session! Stream: http://www.own3d.tv/velan Twitter: https://twitter.com/dotVelan YouTube: http://www.youtube.c...re=results_main Stop by and join the chat! If you like it, please support me by following it! *PS: I have a GIRL in my Squad. *Hint Hint* *
  2. Shuppattzuuu! *bump* still LIVE
  3. Double posting? Look at the interval between the messages. There's no doubleposting here.
  4. Playing Lingor At the Moment!
  5. velan

    Stuck on Loading

    I have the same problem, on and off. I just kept trying ( several times on the same server ) and it would let me in after 5 or so tries. The Hive is most likely just unresponsive right now, even the site is slowed down for some reason. I had problems even seeing servers at times, so I had to exit the multiplayer section back to the main menu, and then click back in into the MP section. The "Refresh" button didnt do anything, but the loading screen when pressing "Multiplayer" sorted it out after a couple of tries, and the servers would show again. Private Hives are loading quick and easy, I just think there is something slowing down/wrong with the Hive at the moment. Oh, and I got teleported to the Shore from NWA.
  6. velan

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Applied, will be visiting the TS3 after dinner. Seems like a good bunch of chaps! ;) Good Hunting! //velan
  7. Just a couple of questions, you guys still reqruiting? And what region are you guys in? EU/US?
  8. Anyone else having problems sneaking around zombies? Had no problems prior to the newest patches, but now I get aggro from Zeds through walls while theyre 50+ meters away. Whilst I have 1 Visibility/Audibility on the indicator. Most efficient thing I've decided to use now is just to run, and keep running through buildings. As sneaking just seem not so viable atm. No hate, love the game, and might just have missed out on announcement that zed behaviour is currently broken or something. Just want to get it confirmed, or if I'm doing something terribly wrong. ( Totally Possible. )
  9. velan

    Zombies vs Stealth

    What are you talking about LumberBack? We are talking about lying down in Prone over 50 meters away inside a building. And you aggro 2-3 or even more Zeds by just doing that. It's nothing about Zed Detection, its just flat out bugged.
  10. velan

    Zombies vs Stealth

    For me it is constantly "bugging-out" in that case. Cause there is just no way to sneak past zombies. I've just started running. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next few updates :) I believe in Rocket!
  11. velan

    Zombies vs Stealth

    Yeah, I logged back in, logged out inside the Fire Station "outside" Elektro. And Zeds started swarming me without me taking a step or anything of the like. Kind of... well, harsh.
  12. velan

    Is it really?

    Played the game since the patch, havent found a single can of food or water. A SINGLE one. Found so many weapons, bandages and other stuff... oh, I could've gotten an army of Watches if they actually could do something. But there is no point in finding weapons, if you will die due to starvation/dehydration anyways. And yeah, I scavanged in Elektro/Chern and atleast 3-4 other smaller towns aswell. No, food or water, at all.
  13. velan

    Wooo loot is so screwed :D

    I just got the game, and I thought I was doing something terribly wrong after not finding any water or food. Died 2-3 times now to Dehydration/Starvation, lost count on weapons/bandages/cans/bottles/tires/watches/scrapmetal/hatchets/knives I've found sofar.
  14. velan

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    The balance is fine as it currently is, totally playable. The Makarov increase should "solve" the no-gun problem. Hopefully. I managed to survive with the starting kit for 4 hours. After that, at night time, I saw a guy with a Makarov getting zerged by Zeds. He died, I sneaked up and looted, now stuck up at a catwalk with 6 bullets. I love the rarity of guns to a certain point, makes finding one into the feeling of discovering the holy grail. But the other side of the coin, is that it's really frustrating to start over, but also adds tension while having something to lose. So yeah... What was I saying again?
  15. velan

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Yo! Thanks for the quick update and hard work! I got the game today, and I purely enjoy it! Even though I am currently playing at 6fps, and hiding out ontop of a catwalk. Lost my Flashlight when I picked up a Pistol, and no Flares, at Night Time. Amazing feeling to this game, love it. Speccs: GTX 570 AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @3.2GHz (x6) SSD Should be having higher than 6fps at LOWEST settings, right? ;D Still find the game "playable" though, which is a first. Keep up the good work!
  16. velan

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    The FPS difference on the "different" servers are due to the amount of "zombies" in your "rendering" "proximity". The less zombies around you, the more fps you have and viceversa. For example: I tried running straight into the forest, 30-50fps there. Started seeing some zombies at a barn, down to 20-25fps. Still playable. Then I got close to a "village" where I could not count the amount of zombies on both of my hands, and my FPS plummeted down to 12fps. I run with lowest settings, no AA and "no" shadows, aswell as disabled processing. I'd say its closely related to the zombies, as changing servers does NOTHING at all. ( Atleast not for me. )
  17. Seems like alot of people are having the same problem. Myself included.
  18. velan

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    I think this is quite different from before. As before it was posts about people with high end computer not reaching 60fps or anywhere close to where they should, but still lingering at 40fps or more. Now theres people who BEFORE reached 60fps or more, lingering around 8 fps to 12fps. But well, im new, so I cant really argue or discuss against people who has been here longer than me. I just hope I will be able to play with above 30fps at a "constant" rate. Which right now, is impossible.
  19. velan

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    Bought the game today, and keep ending up in the wilderness. Ofcourse, I have no gear, but repetetively getting sent over there when it takes 15mins or more to actually get into a server. ( currently ) It's getting quite bothersome, just hoping it will be fixed.
  20. velan

    Low fps after the 1.7.1 update?

    I just bought the game, and fully updated it for DayZ, currently playing with 12fps. The concept of the game is amazing, but currently it's just not playable. Speccs: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @3,20GHz (x6). GTX570 SSD I think I should be able to enjoy the game abit more than I currently am? Or is this game really that demanding? o.O