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Everything posted by Glowing

  1. Glowing

    Looking for groups/partnerships

    Can I join you guys? :) I'm from Sweden, Steam name YellowGlow :)
  2. Hi I'm looking for a person to play with during the day(mostly) I have a group of friends that I play with but they live in USA so the time screws everything up for me! :( I live in sweden so I'd like to play with someone in this area! If you live around Sweden and have about the same time as we do then please add me on Steam, YellowGlow. Or just post a reply in this thread! :D (I know this doesn't say much about me, but if you're intrested we can talk over skype or teamspeak3)
  3. Glowing

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    How come I ALWAYS get a NEW spawn everytime I join a server? Well, when I finally get on a server that is...