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Everything posted by theTaint

  1. I have an HD Radeon 4800. When I run the game it doesn't use my GPU at all as indicated by the screenshot. Even simple things I'm running in Windows at least use my GPU a bit but with this game running it's at 0% load the moment the game launches after joining a server. When I first load OA it's going at a consistent 60 fps up to the server select screen. Any advice or am I screwed until a future patch fixes it? http://www.freeimagehosting.net/ucj8z Edit: By the way I'm running the latest Dayz Beta Patch. I'm going to try it again on previous version but I do remember having similar issues before -- but I remember it being around 25 fps (which still seems too low).
  2. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    Okay something weird just happened. I joined a server with very few people on it running and I'm getting 60 fps solid now but no sound. GPU load is at about 80% now. I rejoined a couple times same thing every time. o_O Runs so smooth I think I'm just gonna gear up on this server while listening to music for a while! Edit: Okay I actually found a server with a reasonable number of people on that version with sound working fine and I'm hitting 60 fps consistently. Very good sign.
  3. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    Yes, it can be rendered by the CPU. Please stop posting in this thread. Thank you.
  4. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    Incorrect. It was clearly running at 0% until the most recent hotfix. Immediately after that it's using 25%.
  5. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    I just tried the single player to confirm what others were saying. I was at 60 fps entire time pretty much regardless of what was going on doing some testing. I did add these parameters to the startup: -window -nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=3 -maxmem=4096 I also defrag'd my drive and noticed a very slight improvement but not much as far as fps goes. I'm averaging about 17-18 fps now ranging from as low as 10 to as high as 22. GPU load is about 25%. This is begrudgingly playable and I'm not sure there's much else I can do until future patches. I'm also running on pretty much the lowest graphics settings possible in game but I'm starting to think it doesn't actually do much as far as improvement goes.
  6. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    After trying with the most recent hotfix it isn't stuck at 0% but it's definitely not using it much still. It seems to be averaging about 25% load. Before running some tweaks I was getting about 10 fps. After the tweaks I'm averaging 18-20 fps which is somewhat playable. I was definitely still getting a much higher framerate pre beta update where I was averaging about 40% load on the GPU. I'm tweaking everything I can to squeeze out the highest fps so I'll be posting my results so it may help someone else.
  7. theTaint

    [GUIDE] Configuration Tweaking

    I have a quick question about the mouseSmoothing tweak in the config profile. I've looked through the file and I don't see any line for mouseSmoothing. Does that mean it's been disabled completely, and if not should I be adding a line for it, and where?
  8. theTaint

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    What's a good temp range? Maybe that's why I've had so many weird graphics errors at random times. Link to an official thread about it? Managed to find a server on the old version and it ran fine, so it appears to be the same issue everyone else is having.