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Everything posted by Aeoneth

  1. Aeoneth

    A Good Old Fashioned Duel

    DEMONGROOVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! You saw my post on r/dayz didn't you... http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1un8kn/going_to_do_this_as_soon_as_i_have_the_gear/ You sly dog you....
  2. Aeoneth

    You are dead.

    If this occurred around 4:00 AM EST on Sunday the 5th then It might have been a hive issue. I was looting around Zelenogorsk with a friend when I died on the stairs of a green building (with the only lootable room on the 2nd floor. NO gunshots, no players (my friend and I were the only two on the server at the time) and my body went missing. I was just walking down the stairs and then boom dead.
  3. Aeoneth

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Even if for whatever reason you can't jam a coin under keys or something. Just get a small stack and put something heavy enough to push the key down on it At the time of this writing I'm using my wallet.
  4. Aeoneth

    Two Computer Playing Dayz on Same Network

    What brand of router do you use. I used to use a Linksys WRT54G which allowed me and my roomate to join different server's but not the same server.
  5. Aeoneth

    Stream Sniping A Huge Problem

    Wouldn't the best solution just be for the streamers to add a small delay to their stream? something like 30 seconds or so?
  6. Aeoneth

    Magnum, can't reload

    Can confirm. Accidently shot one magnum bullet yesterday and was unable to reload the 1 bullet. It seems weapons that can be loaded by jamming the ammo into them (ie don't need a magazine) suffer from this issue. Additionally, it appears that neither has a X/Y count on the inventory screen when loaded.
  7. Aeoneth

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925 M4 Gone?

    They nerfed M4 spawns? Sweet! Now I'll just go find a revolver. Even though I know it would never fit, if Stetsons ad Dusters ever get added I will never change my clothes.
  8. I believe 133860 is the current experimental version
  9. Aeoneth

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    So they could cater to the masses and make a game that is absolutely nothing like the DayZ we know and love?
  10. Aeoneth

    Kill on sight... my group is doing it now

    I'm sorry but I fail to see the logic here. People are avoiding you due to being scared so in turn you give them a reason to be scared and thus avoid you. Circular logic works because circular logic works?
  11. Aeoneth

    I can crash any server...at will

    I think changing your steam name still registers you as a different character (unless that got fixed) so you could try that
  12. I have a question for Dean or even anyone else who might know a solution, Last night I bought my room mate a copy of DayZ (late Christmas gift) and we attempted to connect to each other. Now initially we were able to connect to a small server (it had a population of 5) and were able to meet up with one another. However, since it was night and I lacked any batteries for my flashlight we opted to instead transition to a daylight server while I showed him the ropes. So I connected to another server and had him join me via steam friend list. As soon as he connected to the server I lost my connection and h became stuck in the waiting for host screen. We both tried again, this time he connected first and instead of connecting via steam friend list I found the server in the list and connected. Again as soon a I connected he lost his connection and I was stuck in the waiting for host screen. After some technical look ups we found out that we were both on the same IP (due to the router) and as a result I must guesstimate that this is why we were getting these errors. For whatever reason we both were sending conflicting data to the server. Now, my question for Dean is: Will there ever be a method for people in a situation such as my own to join the same server. And my question for all, does anyone know why it may have let us join the low population together but not any server with a population higher than 10 it seems. Additionally, does anyone know a way to make it so that both of us are using different IPs so that we may connect to the same server?
  13. I see. Can anyone else can confirm that they've had similar issues on Linksys routers? I'd like to ake sure before I go out and buy a new one (got my eyes on a Netgear N600)
  14. Ahhh.... shit. I do have a Linksys, do you think that is the issue? What brand do you guys use that you would recommend?
  15. Aeoneth

    Blurred vision - I don't get it

    Often I fin it can be reset to sharp vision via, Configure > Video
  16. Aeoneth

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    I'm in Zelenogorsk, filling up a few canteens I found. I'm just finishing with the 3rd one when I see a guy run around the fence. I notice he's got a Mosin and I immediately pull my M4. He takes a shot and misses and I yell to him, "Woah, WOAH. Take is easy, I'm just filling up some water. I start backing away towards a shed and he takes another shot and hits me. I blitz around the corner and take aim. Sure enough not 2 seconds later here he comes ready to try again. I pulse the trigger and send a few bullets his way as repayment. I don't even remember if I hit him, All I know is he backs up around the corner. Now I'm intent to finish what I was dragged into (Also I really want a Mosin) so I start heading to follow. But then I get a flash of bright, and circle around the opposite side of the garage. Sure enough there he is, standing in the middle of the road with his Mosin pointing at where my head woulda been if I'd followed. I kept my cool aimed for his head and hit him with another burst. Boom he drops, I take this moment to take some cover (should he have any friends) and bandage my wounds. As I round the corner to loot my prize I watch as his body vanishes before my eyes, So he was a shit shot and combat logged when he lost. He shoulda finished me with the second shot, if not killed me with the first. But he was intent on being an ash hoe so I gave him the payment for that service.
  17. Aeoneth

    Figuring out who to trust

    Something else to say regarding the group of 2 rule. Watch out for what they don't say. Ran into a group yesterday wherein I only saw one guy. Then as I was speaking to him he kept getting closer to me and I always kept something between me and him. Soon enough I saw the barrel of a second M4 around a wall I had vacated not 5 seconds earlier. The guy never mentioned a seocnd person. Once I saw that they had blown all trust with me and I bugged out. Not sure if I dodged a bullet or an opportunity but all the same best to stay wary.
  18. Aeoneth

    Rarest Item?

    Mosin was the rarest for me until recently, but I think I was just looking in the wrong areas, Now it's a high powered scope or other such item for said Mosin. I'd also like to find a revolver once their in. Then I can give away my 2 FXs and the 3 mags I have for em.
  19. 3 simple words. K/D ratio. Make is viewable in the (P)layers menu and people will always want to live to keep their precious K/D ratio high. Keep it a life time record and generally people will do everything in their power to live. Yes this will increase KoS bandits but that's a different issue. One that cannot be beaten by giving stuff on "level up".
  20. Aeoneth

    How to change a KOS'er mentality?

    You can't change his mind, that's the governments job. If you don't like the way he acts then you can certainly kill him whenever he does it or just don't associate yourself with him. Though for the rest of us (for lack of a better term) true friendlies please do the former option.
  21. Aeoneth

    Here comes the hackers...

    Because most of the time the game cannot detect changes that are happening via an intercepted packet between your client and the server. That's why they have these 3rd party tools that can detect these changes while not also running the server. This let's the server do it's thing without having to take processing power away.
  22. Might be your connection. I've experienced this when my connection to the server is in the 100s or higher. But the other day I got a taste of 15 ping and it was glorious. Never experienced it while I was on that server Now if I could just find it again
  23. Aeoneth

    "Bandits" A rant about certain people

    I am in agreement with being annoyed at bandit's calling themselves that when they don't rob anyone. Psycho is my (borrowed) term for them. But the truth is most players are min-maxers who would rather take the fast, boring, tourney winner via constant grab techniques than be someone who actually decides to try and challenge the common perception / tactics or even one persons mind. I say let them, when they start being bored because they're playing the exact same game as every other game, then they will either change their own mind or they will move on. Nothing will be lost.
  24. Aeoneth

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with this suggestion. "Realistic" or not, your now leaving the chance to be killed to a random chance (and a rather high one at that). Especially combined with the running change you mentioned, at that point melee would be suicide. The Running Swipe is fine but I don't believe this idea would be good for the game at all.
  25. Aeoneth

    Sniper Scope Used As A Monocular

    /support. Found on the other day and was kind of surprised I couldn't do this.