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Everything posted by Aeoneth
So the Steam summer sale has come and although I haven't seen ARMA 2 on sale yet (also since the servers are down) I know it will be available within the next 2 weeks. However, we all know this means we might be getting a new batch of new players. So lets populate a list of tips relevent to 1.7.2 so that hopefully some of the brainier ones will know how to deal with the ARMA 2 engine. also if someone asks in game we can just direct them to this thread. Aeon's tips 1) You will die, get over it and get back in there. 2) Trust noone. But that doesn't mean kill everyone you see. Just make sure that they don't see you if you choose to make contact. 3) Scroll wheel is your friend. Use it for everything 4) G access' your gear menu. Use this to pick up stuff (can also be done through scroll wheel) 5) Back packs don't directly increase your inventory. You need to double click them in the gear menu to open them. 6) If you can't pick up a backpack try picking up the junk around it, then mouse wheel to take backpack. 7) Get off the coast ASAP, you may need to stay there until you get a sense of the map, but once you understand where some places are start moving your ass inland or you will die (you'll still probably die inland but the chances are greatly reduced) 8) Zombies have super vision right now, your best bet is to move quickly and GTFO of their Line of Sight (LoS). 9) Yes there's someone in Cherno/Elektro/NWAF/Starry. No they are not friendly.
Rocket has some sort of story cooked up afaik, but he's keeping it under wraps for right now
As for OP. I like the new look. Everything feels faster to me and it isn't really all that clunky
It's true that griefing could be quite rampant with this. However, I have never been one to believe that griefing is a reason against anything. Griefers gonna grief, no matter how much you try and prevent that. Yes it will require some fine tuning, but I'd imagine being in alpha would be the best time to try this out.
The steam overlay, using six laucher?
Aeoneth replied to Ingway's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
fun fact, I used the spirited machine launcher for a while, then just copied the additional launch parameters into steam and it worked for me. Haven't had a problem yet. -
You know you play DayZ too much...
Aeoneth replied to Tabris07's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
When your driving home from work and see a field of hay bales and think "I should go offroading and look for tents." That was a dark day.... -
I would think these would be more like those ghost hunting shows, than Mythbusters.
Why is Barbwire Infront Of All the Big Places?
Aeoneth replied to cowdung's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
you need to aim at the inner posts and hold your reticle over it for a couple of seconds -
I Spawned In Novy Sobor (normal or glitch?)
Aeoneth replied to master721's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
probably a glitch where the respawn reads your position at (0,0) which I think would be the middle of the map (aka around Novy) -
Hmm it seems I am a magnet for strange activity. Today's story begins, with me hanging around Olsha. I had been on a border patrol with some friends and we logged off around there. When I resumed, I decided to hit up NE AF quickly before going on a vehicle / base / crashed chopper hunt. The NE AF was rather uneventful, very few zombies spawned nearby. I quickly searched the control tower finding a G17 but I left it in favour of my silenced M9 + M1911. After I sweeped the building I quickly left as I believed I heard a M107 in the distance. Krastonav also started out rather uneventful. But as I made my way through the town I found some rather strange events began to occur. For one the zombies did not screech and mumble as they normally did. The only sounds they made where the ones where is sounded like they were drowning in their own blood. With one or two this sound was perfectly fine, but with 7 or 8 barrelling down on me all making this noise I was put off guard and unsettled. I managed to make my way to the grocery store and quickly turned to dispatch the runners. Every time I placed a bullet between their eyes, they made a strange struggling noise before finally making a defeated gurgle and collapsing. Once I had defeated them, I noticed the dead silence that pervaded the town. Not even the sound of the birds could be heard. I made my way east out of the town and climbed toward Black Mountain. As I made my way up the mountain I became more unsettled. With each step my character took, I felt my skin crawl a little higher. The hairs on my arms stood on end and then pointed away from the screen as if trying to run away. Finally getting to the top of the mountain I saw the corpses of legions of zeds lying around the ruins of the keep. As I made my way inside the sound of the wind returned, for a moment it startled me but I quickly regained my composure and continued through the ruins. The bodies began to thin out and seemed to begin to lead through the forest. Curious, I followed. Perhaps I would find a player or their camp. The bodies eventually lead me to Pobeda Dam. With no bodies in sight I noticed that my thirst was now blinking. I opened my pack and looked for my water bottles, but to my surprise they were both empty. I realized that I must have been careless and made my way to the water to refill. I waded hip deep into the water and refilled my canteens. Now that my thirst had been quenched I turned to make my way back to the woods. And then I saw it. Lying in the water just below the surface was a body. Black Civilian clothing, I walked up to him and found that he had nothing on him, not even the flash light. But what I truly thought was strange was that the check pulse option came up on the body. Checking it the body was still very much alive, yet still unconscious. I dragged him up and out of the water, unsure if you could drown in ARMA 2. And dragged him close to the barn in here. As soon as we made it into the barn thins took an even stranger turn. The body automatically dropped, and then sank beneath the floor. At the same time I heard a group of zombies aggro and begin to run at me. And again they were all using that strange drowning in their own blood gurgle. I primed myself ready to shoot, but they never entered the building. They sounded like they were all around me, but I could not see them. I walked outside and their "voices" followed me, but even running onto the road I saw nothing. I made my way to the water and chose to make a short swim across, but as soon as I made it to the edge I saw it again. The drowning man. I ignored him and immediately began to swim across the water. But as soon as I got half way across, I went unconscious. My body sank to the bottom of the water as I watched the timer tick down. When it finally ran out I was teleported to the surface again, and managed to take a couple strokes, before it happened again, and again I sank to the bottom. Not wishing to die to what I assumed to be a desync bug or such, I regrettably alt - tabbed and closed the program. When I restarted and rejoined the server I found myself to be back in the keep of Black Mountain. No bodies were lying around, but again, my water bottles were both empty. And the silence pervaded the keep. I made my way south and never looked back.
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Has this patch made zombies gone deaf? And Losing everything on DC
Aeoneth replied to Ingway's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
It probably has to do with the sound through walls gets cut in half thing that was added with 1.7.2 -
And this is why I never show my face to anyone. Everyone KoS or shoots this is fact. Some do not wish to do that, case and point I ran into a guy who saw me as I was running in elektro the other day and he got a couple of shots off in my direction and broke my legs. As soon as he hit me I started "screaming" friendly and he stopped. He felt bad about doing that to me and dropped me a morphine before restocking at the hospital. I found it awesome to meet another person like this, but also sad that his 1st instinct rather than try to reach out over direct comms, was to shoot me. What alot of the Player killers (you don't deserve the title of bandit if you snipe from 500 m away for no other reason than to kill someone) don't realize is that while yes they are allowed to play the game they want, they're actions still have consequences. In this case it is the destruction of ones ability to trust others. That said I still hate the fake friendlies over the snipers anyday. Hence why if I wan't to judge a person's true intentions I stalk them a bit and may even communicate without showing my face to them.
Making an autorun buttong for logitech G keyboards
Aeoneth replied to FaxMonkey's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Don't have a Logitech keyboard but heres how I made an auto run key. Take 3 pennies. Stack them together (taping can also help here) put them on W Take Wallet Place wallet on pennies. TADAAAA Autorun -
How fortuitous that you mentioned GM. I had been there recently and the trip was most unsettling. After our server was "wiped" by a hacker (he telekilled everyone on the server, shortly after I spawned 50m away from where he did it. Yay for free gear) I decided to make a trip up to GM before I hit up NWAF. The trees were silent, not even the sound of the wind whistling through them could be heard. I payed little to no attention to that as I ran through them before quieting my approach to the radio tower. When I got to the road I saw a distinctive lack of bodies, both walking and still. Chalking it up to a bug I walked through the front gate. I began to notice the lack of the flies from the nearby body pile. I climbed the tower and checked for loot. A couple tin cans, and a jerry can, nothing outstanding. Choosing to survey the surroundings and make sure I wasn't being watched I opened the door to the catwalk. For a second I thought I saw someone to the left but when I dragged my view in that direction again the area was empty. I quickly made my way around the catwalk and when I got the the body pile I saw it. The body pile was filled with the fresh dead, even from up here there was no buzzing and I could see the pigment from their faces had not faded, or rather that they used human textures instead of burned or zombie ones. Climbing down I wanted to make sure my game wasn't just bugging out and approached the pile again. The flies were still missing but the humans were still there. Once I got close enough I saw the study body option pop up. Studying it I saw a players name: Matt. Me: hey Matt I just found your body. Matt: ?? Me: The one by green mountain. Matt: I haven't been that way dude. Me: Really? Maybe it was someone else then. I studied a few more bodies and each of them had the name of a player on the server. There were only about five and none of the players (that responded to me) had been in green mountain, or even knew of the place. I decided to get out of the place since I had broadcasted my position 5 times now. And as I left I heard a thud behind me, I turned but saw nothing, and quickly evacuated the area. I made my way to vybor and when I got there I saw more text chat. Matt: Fuck you Aeon. Me: ? Matt: You fucking pussy ass camper. Me: What are you talking about. Matt: I went to Green mountain and you sniped me as soon as I got in there. Me: Dude I think you got bandited by someone else, I'm nowhere near there. Matt: Sure you are. Having fun luring noobs into Gm to kill with your silenced sniper? Me: ...There are no silenced snipers in dayZ. Matt: So I got killed by a hacker? Fantastic. Me: I didn't kill you dude. Matt: Fuck you. Matt has disconnected. This happened a couple more times to the others whose bodies I saw in the pile. Finally someone else showed up there... Alex: hey Aeon you still here? Me: yeah Alex: at Green Mountain? Me: no dude. Like I said to the other guys, I'm not fucking at Green Mountain, I was at Vybor and now I'm somewhere between the NWAF and Grishino. Alex: Alright, but I found your body. Me: what body? Alex: the one in the pile. Me: I haven't died yet though. Alex: well the other guys are all gone and now your body is the only one left. Me:... I haven't been back since.
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The "What items did you lose?" thread
Aeoneth replied to Mad Z's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The ability to play the game... Srsly though I have no idea yet. Possibly lost, NVGs GPS M4A3 CCO + 3 mags DMR + 3 mags M9 SD + 6 mags one of each med item (minus epi pen) coyote backpack All utility Items Ahhh well C'est la vie. -
I would a felt the same way in your situation. Alot of the times playing the "carebear" way is actually significantly harder than simply shooting everything that moves, thus I can see people turning to that method. But I applaud you for still having a conscious, it means you have true humanity.
Your story in DayZ what made your adrenaline run
Aeoneth replied to Detemori's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This happened about a month ago around when I first started playing this game. I had just met up with 2 other players and we made our way north to raid Starry Sobor. We encountered no hostilities, and acquired 2 M4A3 CCOs and a AKS kobra along with a DMR (with no ammo). As we were making our way out of the town following the road we noticede several black spots cross the road ahead. we quickly hit the deck and waited all 3 weapons trained on the figures. Suddenly 2 more crossed the road behind them as the initial 2 figures waited. We stayed weapons trained but not firing keeping an eye on them. They stopped almost 15 meters away from us and paused. We were sure they'd seen us, They lit a flare and threw it into the center of the town. And suddenly freaked out and all pointed their guns at us. We sat there for a good 3 minutes with guns pointed at each other, and with neither of us chatting (no direct chat at the time) we did nothing but stare. Eventually one of them saluted, to which I replied with a salute of my own (after standing ofc) and we made our way away from them across a field and into a forest. After waiting 5 minutes ot make sure they weren't following us we continued to the NWAF and quickly said a thanks for not shooting in side chat to them. Unfortunately after sweeping the NWAF (our 1st visit to this place) and seeing another group head fr the southern barracks we made our way to the ATC / firehouse. 2 of us went in the firehouse while the third waited on overwatch. My friend was shot as soon as he went into the firehouse tower. I booked it out the back door and made my way to the ATC where I was sure I'd heard the shots come from. The 3rd ran across the hangars to get to us to provide support, he encountered 2 more players and took out one before DCing (like a bitch, I no longer play with either of them). While I continued to circle around the ATC and took out the 2nd. The zombies heard my shots though and aggro'd on me as I ran away they broke my legs. I tried to take them out before the sniper ended up shooting me in the head. -
Ural has some weird items, help needed
Aeoneth replied to deuk's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
don't have to blow it up, just kill a zombie and store all the non legit items on the zed and bury him. -
Silent fix reducing loot spawns after vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]
Aeoneth replied to herd's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Same as epic. been in the woods the last 2 days finding myself, well myself and a bunch of tents... Just wish my loot wouldn't despawn in my car -
I think the problem with this is that arma 2 currently has a system where different items take up different slots. Like ammo and food are considered general usage items (same with car parts and utility items I believe) But weapons take up a different kind of slot ina vehicle. I think vehicles have something like 8 weapon slots and 50 general slots or something to that regard which cannot be expressed easily in a system like the OPs
agreeing with reducing ammo spawns.. Reducing food and water spawns could work if we also reduced the decay rate of your hunger and thirst levels. I'm not big on the idea of random loadouts in general, but if you wanted to do that I would think a random tool might be a better idea than a possibly fully kitted player. (ie only a knife or compass or map or such) It is my belief that cars are fine right now, regardless of the hoarding that seems to occur. and yes alt f4ing needs to die in holy hellfire (don't talk to me about paradoxes)
Man I must be incredibly lucky. I've always made Stary my post coast military run. I think I've only ever seen other people there 3 times. And each time I saw them I was able to loot in peace after letting them run off for a while.
Whoever it was who just haxxed Seattle 112
Aeoneth replied to vanchrian's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Run back to that area and regrab your stuff. Someone did this in Can 1. It was between koslovo and balota. Scored all the equipment I'll ever need since I respawned 50 feet away -
But for the glorious in between all their loot will belong to me.... Or they'll start gang roaming the map, but what are the odds of that