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Everything posted by Aeoneth
On my last life (died because I lagged out while getting attacked by a zombie) I had managed to find 2 M4s and a pistol. Managed to grab 20 rounds for it as well. I also found a Mosin several days ago but haven't found one since.
Why do we already have so many 24/7 daylight servers?
Aeoneth replied to Gingerizhere's topic in General Discussion
The problem I have with night servers is that the pitch black portion of the night always seems to last forever. I never really see the moon giving off light. The night's are beatutiful when it's low light but the pitch black portion is just tiring on the eyes. The other thing is the flashlight, there's just something with the way it behaves that Seems off and nooying to deal with (probably the refraction) if they geave it a bit more radial glow around the payer then I't be easier to deal with even the pitch black night (I'm ignoring the light through walls thing as I'm really hoping that's a bug that will get fixed). -
You see this is a problem with modern game design, it's too hand holdy and caters to the lowest common denominator. DayZ was never meant to be a massive sale, it just kind of happened. There's a reason many players of Battelfield prefer 1942 or 2142 (beyond the settings) over the current 3 and 4. And you'll also notice that many games that do appeal to the LCD end up gaining a spike in popularity for a little while, but then people leave because it's so easy to master the game. Personally, I don't agree with anything you are saying. It is the difficulty and the challenge of learning the game that makes it fun to me. If you don't like the challenge you could always request aid here on the forums for learning the ropes.
More work yes, but more guarentee of items and safety (sort of)
Besides the hospital and Grocery Store which if everyone thinks like that will be free game... Disagreeing with OP relax it's a joke
I'll admit I got baited. Well done OP +Beans
In another way of saying this, Your allowed to have your opinion, but other's are allowed to have an opinion of your opinion.
It seems like the mod issues have carried over to the sa
Aeoneth replied to Shakakahn's topic in General Discussion
OP no offense meant, but you cannot know what you are saying. Having played the mod since early in it's release (I think i missed like 1 or 2 client versions) I can definitely say there are changes, but not ones you can perceive through videos. IT's really hard to describe without having experienced it... but I'll try my best. There are two major things that have changed in my mind, zombie spawns and loot. Both changes have been made so that they are not procedurally generated but instead are spawned at server start and are left as such until the next reset. Doesn't sound like much, but it is a HUGE change. Since zombies no longer spawn within a 500 m radius (I don't recall what it was exactly in the mod) you cna no loner go on overwatch from a hill and scout a ctown to see if players are there. This means that as you progress into the town you are LITERALLY flying blind. You never know if the next corner is going to hold a player, a zombie, or that precious precious can opener. As a result scavving towns has become a much larger source of tension. RIght now there is a glitch where a pop tab pops at random. And every time it happens to me I jump, because you never know if it was a player or not. The other thing is loot. You've probably heard about how hard it is to find food and drink. Well that's no exaggeration, since everything is spawned at server start it's all effectively dwindling resources. That means in the few hours before the restart players are the most desperate. Especially when all the coastal towns are picked clean. As a result I have seen a dramatic increase in the people I meet inland. (Admittedly that's only up 3 from 0 but still). Starting as a fresh spawn at anything other than the restarting hours results in a very much of a panic starteing when you also take into account that hunger and thirst are not full. So as you get closer to starving you can start making more panicked decisions. (Screw sneaking into that house I need food. Full Sprint ahead). Note I say can, some still stay cool and calm but there's always that nagging voice in the back of your head that says, you're gonna staarrrveee~. Again these are not changes you can sense when watching videos as there is no sense of player agency (where the player is the character). -
Yeaaaahhhhhh... I'm gonna have to say I think the OP missed the point of DayZ Factions: You want factions? Congrats! Make one gather some people together (you know we have sections for that right?) and call yourself whatever you want and start a war with whoever you want. This game has more faction customization that a lot of games I've seen before, it's just left to you. You don't need to in game UI for that stuff. Grinding: This game is about life after a massive disaster. A life like that will be the grind. The only difference is rather than most games where I grind (yay... another monster spleen, better go deliver it to that cookie maker.) in DayZ every "grind" actually feels awesome. (Holy mother of GOD. I finally found a can opener, no more spilling beans for me ^.^ The confusion with relating it to MMORPGs: your MMORPG experience here falls short I'm (not) sad to say. DayZ is more like a Rogue style game. Your not looking to slay a dragon, you looking to feed yourself for the next round. The Endgame: You now what the end game is to me? Death. Often times I don't put this game down until I've screwed up and died either due to dehydration, starvation, bullet-to-the-braination, suffocation, fell-unconscious-while-climbing-over-a-fence-ation. Everything is just building up to that final moment where my story finally ends... on that life. Finally OP, I will state that this is my opinion, not fact. Just like your statement of this game is going to stay niche, is your opinion... not fact. And honestly if it does stay fairly niche... that's fine for me.
Attn: Dev's, Give us a break to help u test the game
Aeoneth replied to Morbius221's topic in General Discussion
Started fresh an hour or so ago. Within a half hour i had 2 can openers, at least 6 different types of food, would have had 2 water bottles if I had had a backpack by the time i found the second one but instead I only kept 1. 2 sodas, a med kit and a protective case filled with assorted goodies for myself. It doesn't take a lot of time to get enough for inland travel -
This should not have been... I swear I was north of Cherno... looking around for Zelenogorsk. And yet... it called. It appears the curse is still alive my friends... that accursed mountain calls to me.
- 24 replies
- 12
Gentlemen, I know the horrors of that place all to well. For I am one of the marked. And because of this... that place called me to it. It seems I am to be a child of darkness. For I turned to enter a forest opposite the accursed spire, yet after a few minutes of running I found my place before it's gates. When that place calls for you there can be no escape. 'If I am to be marked by this place then I shall take the curse upon myself and venture deep into it' or so I had thought. When I entered the place the whispers of the dead were strong, each voice nagging in my ear. "He's as good as dead", "I'll kill him this time", "My loots". What horrors befell the men before me I cannot know, but my sojourn into this place would remain individual. The demons that haunt this place lay dormant as I searched, whispers being the only indicator of unrest. I entered the military barracks in this place, the voices grew stronger. And as I searched for supplies it became apparent that the mountain had a mission for me. There is no way that place would be so generous unless it had some greater infernal will. Was it to spread it's madness? To claim more souls for it's hellish machinations? To sow it's legend? I cannot say for sure, all I know is that it had released me for now. Until the next time that the spire calls.
Warning too late I hold you personally responsible
Will Standalone have the, uh... scary mountain radio thing?
Aeoneth replied to blurhitz's topic in General Discussion
Abandon all hope ye who stay in this place. This thread has been marked by the great evil that seeps from that accursed mount. Until the day that we the marked are strong enough in number to combat the creeping death and madness that ebbs from it's very being... none. are. safe. -
Do not want private servers. Basing purely off of what we've seen in the past. The private servers that allow EZ mode will multiply as every person capable of making an EZ mode server will. Then the majority of the playerbase will flock over to that because "Hey free stuff" at which point the vanilla servers will have such a dwindling population that even those of us who don't want to play on Private Servers will have to if we want any human interaction. You private server defenders keep saying no one is forcing us to play on those servers. And yet the past has shown that that's simply not the case. Sheer mass has forced us to join said servers. I'd also like to note that on a personal level I saw a decrease in DayZ activity with the advent of private servers in the mod.
There' evil in that place... an evil I have seen once before. This evil is no bug, no glitch and no feature. Legends say when rocket et co. created green mountain one section of code was referenced that no one had logged. They removed the call to be safe, but the next time thy compiled the game there it was. Again and again this call would appear. But it didn't seem to affect performance so they left it in. Unknowing of the horror that would become that place. If you value your gear then stay away from this place. Because once you have seen the darkness hiding within that mountain, it will haunt you for the rest of your dayz.
IMO the real issue is the rapid degeneration of hunger / thirst. Not the commonality of food. Coastal areas are usually pretty picked clean from what I've seen (to the point that I can never find enough food to make it far inland) and I like that aspect. But yes I believe the degeneration of hunger and thirst istoo high at the moment. Now I do understand that it will be a tricky thing to balance, too high and players fight over scraps on the coast (due to some not being able to make it inland). Too low and food becomes junk tier loot as no one worries about those aspects. I haven't done the timing yet so could someone break down the average time it takes to go from fresh spawn to unconscious/dead from starvation / dehydration? Additionally (I still need to test this more) I believe sometimes cancelling the eating / drinking animation at certain times can also consume the item but not let you reap the benefits. Along with these I believe that unconsciousness is too high atm (bugged or otherwise). Which would also make the passing out from starvation / dehydration issues more dire. Finally, Day/ NIght is fine in my opinion. I also have a job wherein the only time i get to play is at night. But none-the-less I believe that the 24 hour clock system in place i perfectly fine. There are European servers if you truely want a daytime experience. (Barring the bugged rumors I have been hearing about)
Moglievka is my home town. Wells, barns, plenty of land for animals, and for some reason I seem to attract Helicopter crashes like they were going out of style or something.
Good Old Friendlies: Let's Make a Comeback!
Aeoneth replied to EyeoftheYeti's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The method that has served me best has always been: 1) Approach slowly and in cover 2) Keeping a wall between me and subject, announce presence. a-If they've stumbled into the building I'm in I'll find a room with 1 entrance/exit and tell them not to enter this room b-If I'm the intruder I'll pinpoint them and inform them of my presence and see if they need assistance / are willing to trade. 3a)They come after me and I shoot them, or they listen and then 2b happens 3b)We exit cover, do a quick salute, then proceed with trade / seperate ways. I've been betrayed too much to trust for journeys nowadays, unless I have at least 1 person with me / we've talked for a bit. If either of those conditions are satisfied I'll offer to join up. But I always make sure they are beside me or infront, never behind me. -
How Will You Play Standalone Without the Mod's Exploits?
Aeoneth replied to DemonGroover's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
My tactics will probably change a bit. #1 I kill zombies with axes and bury their bodies so no change there. #2 however, as is now I use the zombies to determine if players are where I am headed. It merely allows me to see how cautious I need to be/ if I can expect a firefight. I never avoid an area just because someone is there. With #2s change I can see myself being more startled upon seeing another person. But I am praying they make the zombies/ survival more of a threat beyond just a damage increase. Then I can see people working together a bit more. -
Best place for tent on the coast
Aeoneth replied to Ragstorm88's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Close to coast....... good place for tent. Pick one. No matter where you place your tent it will get looted eventually. Placeing it closer to the coast increases the chance of it getting looted exponentially. -
They may be finally learning, I too have had a hard time finding any on my home servers... but then again my home servers are kind of emptying out. :(
Because the skin changes currently make humanity wig out, you reset to zero after gaining your hero skin. Congratulations, you may or may not get shot at slightly less.
Obvious flamebait is obvious. +1 postcount.
how big is the explosion radius on that thing? I just pickd one up and figure maybe I'll plant it on sniper hill and see if I can catch a fish with it.