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ssg (DayZ)

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About ssg (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. ssg (DayZ)

    Group spawning, hear me out

    Err. Have you even played the game? Just put w down and run in straight line back where you died.. This suggestion would make running back to your corpse problem even worst. You actually would not have to run back to your fully armed corpse. You could just teleport there. If you have played wasteland you would see that this kind of change would only make game much more arcade and meaningless.
  2. ssg (DayZ)

    Does any one still LAN?

    We just had LAN Party last weekend. We only played wasteland... Our original plan was to play SA. Well it turns out it got delayd. We didint even touch our usual lan games such age of empires 2. Well atleast we had some epic wasteland games.
  3. ssg (DayZ)

    Ivan & Martin Free on bail

    When will they be back working?
  4. ssg (DayZ)

    NEW DayZ Fallujah Map Released!

    Worst DayZ map. It has too few players. Even with 40 players limit I saw only 3 another people not counting helicopters in 4 hours. It has way too few loot spawns. I found enfield after playing 3 hours 30 minutes. I was lucky and found colt after 1 hour. TOO FEW ZOMBIES! It's city! I expected tons of zombies but there really aren't any. What map has plenty is choppers. I saw 3 helicopters flying around and trying to shoot each other down. Also it has 200 meters of fence without any holes everywhere.
  5. I have same problem. It seems to do that when some scripts run. Like zombie and loot spawns. Does not happen everytime just sometimes. Usually in towns or another places with lots of zombies and loot.
  6. ssg (DayZ)

    Private hive with custom loot table

    Tried to google for solution but there is so much DayZ related hits that its hard to find what you are looking for. Mostly you just find rant about hackers no matter what search terms you use.
  7. Hi, Can anyone point me to right direction about doing loot tables for private hives without need to modify client files? I know client files send server commands which weapons spawns where and server just does what is told. There are servers like zombies.nu which does not require download of custom client side files. They have added new weapons and removed some old ones. Does anyone have idea how it is done without modifying clients files?
  8. ssg (DayZ)

    Zombie free maps

    Why would there be maps without zombies? Go play Arma2. It does not have zombies...
  9. ssg (DayZ)

    Steam for the Standalone.

    Steam only accepts finished projects.
  10. My suggestion is simple. Disabling 3rd person while player is on foot. When you try to use 3rd person on foot it would give message that its disabled when you are walking and will switch you back to first person. Why this? Because 3rd person gives unrealistic advantages. You can spot targets from roof or behind walls/bush without your target to have anyway to detect you while you watch all his moves. This would still keep the luxury of driving vehicles on 3rd person. I know many people prefer to do this over first person because its much more easier and fun. Before anyone says this can't be done on ArmA2 engine it can be. City Life 2 RPG mod has this feature.
  11. ssg (DayZ)

    Simple fix to fight against DUPING

    Just checked the place. There were 3 unarmed players gearing up. I didn't stay to see who shoots who first.
  12. You need to repair windscreens too. All of them.
  13. ssg (DayZ)


    Anything? Does anyone know when helicopters will be back?
  14. ssg (DayZ)

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    Thanks! I have been waiting for this so long.
  15. ssg (DayZ)

    Average Zombie Kills

    My current character is on his 16 day on Chernarus. He has 45 zombie kills and 2 murders. Both murders were self defense. I currently have FN FAL, M107 and M1911 as my fire arms. All of them have plenty of ammuniton. I have 2x every medical equipment expect epi-pens. I also have 11 tools. No NVG. I also have only ALICE pack. Mayby I play too carefully? Stealth all the way!