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About VeggaMan

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    Aalborg, Denmark
  • Interests
    Computer graphics, programming, social studies, food and computer gaming!

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  • Bio
    Living as part vegetarian part vegan, with a professional background into computer science and social studies. Live with my wife and our two small puppies; Gucci
  1. VeggaMan

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yea, that sucks - the weekly gaming night is ruined :-P
  2. VeggaMan

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I have the same thing happening here! I cant even close the game in the task manager... When I try to reboot the computer, the "shutting down" message appears even after 10 mins of trying to shutting the computer down... What's happening, and anyone know how I can force close the program, or better yet - Play the game? Thanks in advance! EDIT: Reinstalled the game, and the problem still persists :-[
  3. VeggaMan

    DayZ really needs more "trash" loot

    Hmm the trash Idea isn't a bad idea. The wife and me was scrurring the northeastern parts of the map, and with the lack of zombies atm for target practicing (and other people),we came to think of the idea of piling cans or trash cans to shoot at... that could be a really nice feature - creating a persistant selfsufficient camp, with targets to practice shooting skills...
  4. VeggaMan

    New Script(hack) Being Used?

    Actually experienced the same which I took as a bugged zombie because when I ran away from the hits or hid in a house, a short time would elapse before the hitting started again. Eventually I "escaped" the invisible assailant, which makes more and more positive that it was an invisible zombie rather an invisible scripting duche.
  5. After recieving my second LCD display I was searching for some tips how to avoid the game minimizing while tabbed out of the game. The reason to this is so I can interact with my secondary screen without my gamescreen minimizing, checking maps, comments, write back to my viewers in twitch ect. and i stumbled across a video made some time back by Lirik about a small program called borderlesswindow which I had to try out. Unfortunantly when I follow the instructions, it seems that every time I try to enter the state of borderless mode the game reload the UI with 75% resolution. No matter what I do, wether its force the resolution in the config file with read - only permission or try to bypass the reload behaviour, or force set resolution in the launch parameters in steam, nothing seems to be helping. My native resolution is 1920x1080 running 100% by default. Anyone has the same experience or know a work around/fix for this problem? For those of you interested, the vid with the solution is listed below. -VeggaMan
  6. I acually managed to get rid of the noice by utilizing the filtrering effects in audition with a lot of help from this articel - http://www.psynapticmedia.com/stream-voice-audition-obs/ I tweeked it a bit so it will work best with my setup. Instead of virtual audio cable psynaptic is using im using vb-audio from http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cable/as a free alternative. The idea is to route the input audio to audition and apply the virtual audio cable as the output from audition so you can use the modified mic input in your applications. This works with both TS, skype, obs, splitfire and what have you.. Now I have nice and crisp audio :-) Hopefully some of you guys can benefit from the above mentioned tut/methode as well! -VeggaMan
  7. I think I managed to get rid of the noice! I played around with the capture settings within TS3, and disabled automatic voice gain control, which seems to take care of it. Looking forwards to try it out here thursday, and I'll post back with feedback! -VeggaMan
  8. Oh I'll try reinstalling ts and see what happens. Anyone else had /have similar experience?
  9. yes the current version - 3.0.16... Codex you say.. I don't have anything installed besides my graphics drivers - perhaps I'm lacking something?
  10. Hey fellow survivors!! I just recieved feedback from my fellow gamers om teamspeak that when I'm speaking over team speak, its like there's a fan booming buzzing sound in the background.Even though I do have a beast of a sound maker (fans on comp), the issue only arrive when I'm actually in game. If I'm tabbed out of the game theres nothing, and the audio is transmitting without a problem. I have the Razer kracken pro headphones, and haven't had a problem with the transmission of crisp clear mic sound when using other VoIP like Skype or even the in game VoIP. Its only with team speak and ONLY when I'm in game. Has someone of you guys come across the same type of problem? Hope to find some answers so would appreciate any pointer to what the problem might be. Thanks in advance!! -VeggaMan
  11. This worked for me! Thanks alot - I can now play my favorite game again... I think it has something to do with the update that just came out
  12. VeggaMan

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Streaming tonight at 6-10 PM CET. Exploring the new Prison island with a friend! I'm an interactive streamer, so hope that you'll drop by for a chat or two!! If you are in doubt whether to show up, try watching my recent movie for content! Check signature for twitch link, and hope to see you all there! -VeggaMan
  13. VeggaMan

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Just wanted to bring an update from the last streaming session! There was a great turnout, and by no doubt because of your attendence from this forum, so thank you soo much for passing by and saying hello! Last time the theme was long range shooting, and boy we had fun! I found like 21 nettings in about 30 mins, just to be shot by a bandit camping the SW military camp. Grand theft auto occured in broad dayligt, and finally got my hands on a mosin with a long range scope AND ammo! Tonight is the next streaming session of mine, will continue our journey to become a long range shooting hero, and hope to take out a bandit or two, and especially rescue a damsel in distress! As for tonights goal, I'm hoping to hit the 15 followers on my twitch so surely hope to reach this milestone tonight! If I DO hit the mark, I'll kill the first non-zombified playing charecter I see.... and eat him. In the spour of the moment of being a caring, and compasionat hero, this skitzofrenic individual will go all crazy by the gong of the 15 followers mark!!! Beware - I'm still a relatively new player with about 80 hours in Chenarus, so any tips, about the game will be greatly appriciated from the audience!! Tune in at 6 pm throughout 10 pm CET (GMT +1) Hope to see a great turnout!! -VeggaMan
  14. VeggaMan

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    New streamer totally addicted to DayZ!! I've been streaming 2 times earlier in the chrismas holidays, so it's still new for me. Tonight the theme is Long Range Shooting where we'll be searching for long range specific loot, wheather it'll be the mosin, ammo for this, items for the Ghillie suit, long range finder and all other goodies. In between good tips about loot, basic warfare tactics, we'll have a blast of being a friendly sniper.. yes you heard it - no banditing long range sniping tonight! Sure hope to save a person or two from either being murdered or being zombie slain!! Beware - I'm still a relatively new player with about 80 hours in Chenarus, so any tips, about the game will be greatly appriciated from the audience!! Tune in at 6 pm throughout 10 pm CET (GMT +1) Hope to see a great turnout!! -VeggaMan Twitch.tv/Veggaman - Facebook.com/Veggaman
  15. VeggaMan

    Standalone - Lag in Cities

    I dont know if this would help a bit with the issue, but i recently came across a post mentioning that the game can somewhat downclock the gpu as long its the nvidia type. It has something to do with power management. Im not the bit tech gizz wizz but the article stated if you go into nvidia control panel and click on the 3d option -> find the program settings for dayz and try to change the power management option for the highest setting without letting the program decide this. It should allegedly increase the fps in larger cities. I havent had the chance to play with these settings yet, but I will try it out for a fact here tuesday evening CET where I'll be streaming. I'll return with any feedback after this!! Happy new year to all! -VeggaMan