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About measter85

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  1. This has probably been asked a few times but I can't find an answer! I have a CCO as my main weapon and an SVD Camo in my backpack. If I click open my backpack and move my SVD to active inventory will my CCO just move into my backpack? Or is the inventory system so crappy I will lose my gun? Not about to test this on my own.
  2. Thanks for the advice! MK48 it is!
  3. Which gun would you guys prefer? I'm loving the CCO but the MK48 is so fun....
  4. So yeah. What the hell am I supposed to do, just die? I can't eat, I can't drink. Does anyone have a solution? I can't seem to find any. HELP!
  5. measter85

    Beta Patch 94945

    Yes sir here is what you do! Go find your operation arrowhead folder. Mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead In there locate a folder called Expansions from there go into Beta. Inside this beta folder delete every file and folder you see. Now go back and try installing an old beta patch. BAM! Works. Enjoy.
  6. It seems that every time I go to loot it, every server I've tried this cities hospital has piss poor loot. Never any morphine or blood bags. Just bandages and heat packs. Is it just bad luck or anyone else finding this hospital blows?
  7. I'm sick of connecting to several servers searching for daylight. Even servers that are within my time zone and should be broad daylight, are somehow pitch black. If there was some indication on the time of day before wasting time joining a server, that would be excellent.
  8. Me and my friends have blood packs but can't figure out how to use them. Help!
  9. measter85

    Can't join a server!

    I select a server from the list. I join. I click ok. Says downloading mission files. Then I get sent back to the server list. What gives? Also quick join always gives me the error Bad Version. Server rejected. Fuuuuuuck