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Everything posted by goblinshark

  1. goblinshark

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    At least people are generally agreeing at this point that they would be willing to spend (X) amount of money on the game. As opposed to simply bitching that the already spent money on the mod. The only issue I see is the competition with The War Z - I understand some people (myself) will buy both, many will want to "wait and see which is best" before committing to buying one or the other. This is terrific news, and I'm so excited to see this come to life. The night effects of Arma III's engine are BEAUTIFUL - and I REALLY hope the mod takes advantage of the night. Zombie worlds just aren't as great in the day as they are in the night.
  2. Thank you for that - we need more support for servers who have active admins. We need admin hiring processes and interviews. I wish I had the time and money to host my own server and moderate it day and night.
  3. Right there in the title, how does one upgrade from 1.59 to 1.62? Whenever I try to install the 1.62 patch, it stops me and says that I need 1.60 to do so. If I click on Arma manually instead of loading DayZ, and look at the bottom right of the menu screen, it says I'm on 1.59. How does one upgrade to 1.62??
  4. goblinshark

    Upgrading from 1.59 to 1.62

    Well now I feel like a dumbass. That worked. I suppose I wrongfully assumed that updating to the newest patch should just work - and was being lazy with trying to test doing it cumulatively. Thanks anyways!
  5. goblinshark

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    You should seek professional assistance.
  6. The new engine is completely overhauled and fluid. It will address many of the concerns currently plaguing players. Lighting and pitch black night, inventory, choppy performance that leads to things like oddly-timed broken bones, vehicle handling, weapon mechanics and use, AI *zombies*, it goes on. It's not the same engine, it's still being developed. And additionally, with Dayz standalone being designed from the ground up, utilizing only the "core" from before *i.e. the original feel*, players can expect to have the same immersion and level of greatness they experienced with DayZ mod, but with reduced hacking, better graphics, better optimization, and better performance. Look at some of the Arma 3 gameplay videos. You'll get a great idea of how the game will look! Look at the lighting!
  7. - No, it doesn't work like that, and I'm positive you're lying or running your own server. - How can you be too "noob" to find a vehicle? You look it up on the map, it's there or it's not. There's no margin of error for finding a vehicle influenced by skill. It's there, or it isn't. You're lucky, or you're not. - Irrelevant? Grand Theft Auto? This is a post-apocalyptic zombie-ridden environment. There's going to be empty vehicles EVERYWHERE. And being in a vehicle does not make you invulnerable either. They're loud, attract other players, easily broken. I think more people just want more variety in the mod. Not this constant running by foot / get hacked / sniped / DM'ed / killed / broken leg.
  8. goblinshark

    Hacking kid puts video on youtube.

    Die in a car accident.
  9. goblinshark

    101 Servers violating slot requirement

    I already told you, it's not that easy anymore. There are queues. You have to wait to pay for servers now depending on where you're coming from and wanting to do. "Server owners need to start wising up. We are only processing about 20 to 30% of server requests for hosting due to the massive volume of offers. The clan servers need to realize they cannot just do whatever they feel like because their actions affect the rest of the game and the servers." - rocket
  10. goblinshark

    WAR in Elektro

    Germany 2? I'm confused, are you threatening to shoot / snipe me if I dare to enter Elekro? So be it, good sir. I will see you tonight, but not for dinner, I will only use you for fine-tuning the scope on my fresh new sniper rifle. :)
  11. goblinshark

    101 Servers violating slot requirement

    They are "running the servers for the game." It's a fucking volunteer service that they pay into. There are QUEUES for people wanting to PAY FOR SERVERS to support the community. There's more inqueries than there is space. So follow the fucking rules, it isn't a goddamn advanced science. Stop trying to make players feel like you control them cause you and your buddies pay for a server, I would GLADY pay for a high speed 60+ man server for over 300 a month to help the community. You don't control shit, get your heads out of your asses.
  12. DayZ'ers, I have been reading a lot of posts regarding "friendly" survivors shooting one another out of raw fear and confusion. Nobody wants to lose their shit, and nobody wants to take a risk either. I have seen recommendations that include: - A "whistle" system, where players whistle to one another - A "handshake" system, same thing but handshaking - The already available "salute," a simple salute of friendly-being Here's my idea, hear me out: A non-combat system that is mutually induced. This is a system where players can approach one another, and then, use the scroll to initiate / engage in a "friendly" exchange. During this exchange you cannot change weapons, and you cannot fire your weapon. You would be in the typical "kneeling" position as if accessing your inventory. I know that the system is not very fluid and there are a lot of circumstances guiding the effectiveness of it, like a bandit shooting you while you are talking. However, I think taking the time to engage in a moment of vulnerability with another friendly will provoke trust and reliance. If players can stop and agree not to shoot or engage in firefighting for a second, they might be less likely to shoot one another. Additionally, a bandit is less likely to engage in a friendly exchange of goods if he is vulnerable to dying. The odds of a bandit going through the trouble of being "friendly" in a non-combative situation is unlikely, given that when you get close to bandits these days, their heartbeats *in theory* are audible. I think that with refinement and player / community analysis, this mechanic can be made as a dependable way for mutually-friendly players to exchange goods and services with less risk to being shot and killed on the spot just because they were nervous. The risk is also reduced because bandits would not like to make themselves vulnerable. I am sorry for the disorganization and content of this, it's a juvenile and fresh thought process that I just came up with. I didn't want to lose it so I put thoughts to text. Please evaluate my thoughts and provide constructive feedback. Thank you.
  13. goblinshark

    "Non-combat" system for friendly identification

    Exactly. It's about two friendly players having SOME chance of communicating. I am making this suggestion and argument on the basis that mutual friendly players currently have no way to assess whether or not someone else is friendly. SOMEONE has to take a risk, SOMEONE has to step forward and risk losing hours and hours of their life spent earning gear. Why not increase the atmosphere a bit? The game would continue to hold its intensity, it would continue to have "realism," it would continue to be everything else that the developers and players would like. However, it would simply make it so there is SO way to meet friendly players. I don't mind the "bandits," or "trollers." Whatever you want to label them. People will kill other people, that is life. But if people don't want to kill other people, I think it's fair that they are afforded SOME fighting chance to communicate safely with SOME reduced risk, and a less hostile personal environment. We are not all hell-bent on fulfilling our "badass ego" role in video games. It's clear that many other players do, and that's ok, feel as badass and controlling as you want. But let the players working together know who one another are. Deception is an art, and this would make it more artful for REAL bandits to be deceptive.
  14. goblinshark

    You know you've played too much DayZ when...

    When the fucking trash truck slams into the large metal trashbins while your playing Dayz at 4am on a night server with noice-reducing high-quality headphones and sends you levitating into the air and reduces your lifespan by 10 fucking years because of an increased risk of heart attack. Damn that truck scared me, I didn't even want to play anymore.
  15. I personally am a night server lover. But I also enjoy playing with a lot of people. It's hard to find people to play with at night because of some of the imbalances that NVG's provide. I think NVG's are fair, but because they are so unfairly attained *server hopping*, it's not realistic to play against them. I spent all day staying alive, and your ass snipes me in the dark-of-night because you spent an hour server-hopping the NW Airfield for NVG's? Also - I organize my servers by population / ping / numbers of slots left. Basically I try to join the largest, fullest servers. If I organize server by players over 50 with 2-3 open slots, they're more surely ALWAYS day. RARELY will you find a highly populated night server. It's really unfortunate, but it's how the game is for now. Maybe players are simply too afraid to play in the night, regardless of snipers and NVG's. I don't think we'll ever solve that one.
  16. Hostility between survivors because of aggressive banditry is high. It's incredibly hard to decipher between good and bad, and high-tensions create unnecessary shots. Recently, I spent hours venturing north, I wanted to make it to the NE AF. However, after trials of pain, broken bones, attacks, zombie incursions, I was on edge. I ran into a player at the Market south of the NE AF. I was so tense by then, the second I saw him I pointed my pistol straight at his head - I stated in direct comms, "friendly unit, I repeat friendly unit, please state your intentions." The player turned at me with his axe, ignored my comms, and turned around absently. Then he continued looting. I kept my weapon pointed at him, asking a second time if he was friendly and what his intentions were. When he turned around, he had a pistol out. There we stood, pistols pointed. I should have fired the second he did that, but I hesitated. He continued not to respond, and I grew more and more nervous. After all, I didn't want to lose all my progress. I was contemplating leaving him but didn't want to be tracked and shot. So I fired, I put 3-4 rounds into his chest. Somehow, he didn't die. He fired 2 shots at me and missed, got up, and darted out of the market. I took to his shadow and chased him through the city. I caught up and shot him 2-3 more times after reloading. He dropped to the ground and unloaded his entire clip into me. I fell down, bones broke. I popped a final killing shot into his head before bleeding out and dying. Could this all have been avoided with a whistle?
  17. goblinshark

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    NVG's offer an advantage to players, but not necessarily a an unfair one. The circumstances that some people use to get NVG's *e.g. server hopping* make the advantage unfairly attained. However, the advantage itself isn't completely unfair. NVG's look like a lot of fun, and while I have not been fortunate enough to find any yet, I love playing on night servers even so. I haven't run into any sniper, and I play on 50+ person servers that are full. I know that they are out there, I just don't think they are in such abundance that you will be feeling their presence every single time you log on to a night server. But I do agree in that night play is extremely fun, and extremely rewarding. It's scary, it's immersive, it's new. I can't wait for Arma III's night combat and gameplay, it looks beautiful.
  18. goblinshark

    New Zombie map (Namalsk island)

    ^ Huh? 60 people on a server spread out over 600sq kl? You would never run into anyone, ever. We don't need LARGER singular maps, just more balanced and refined ones that give options. But with having a character that stays on a master database, having different maps would become an issue. I want to leave this one to the developers, because they know the system limitation far better than I do.
  19. goblinshark

    International Airport

    I have yet to venture there. The one time I attempted to, I spent 3-4 hours trecking north from Cherno with no blood and broken bones. I made a *retarded* pitstop in Stary Sabor, and was killed on sight. =/
  20. goblinshark

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Bear traps can be fun - the second I read that, my eyes widened with excitement. It sounds like a lot of fun. To be honest, the most of I have in this game is the intense "survival mode" moments. Example - it's pitch black at night, the ambient music in the background slowing making its climax, I am unarmed and approaching a large city. There's a known sniper on a tower somewhere, and zeds are high in numbers. A flares pops up in the distance, I can't make out if it's an aggressor or a friendly. I make my way towards it, low crawling, anticipating, calculating. A shot is fired and bouncing near my head, I scramble for cover, but can hardly see. I don't want to expose myself with a flare or a chemlight, so I start rolling, hoping they don't have a nifty set of NVG's. Having to keep acute awarenesss of bear traps will now be on my mind. I scurry into a nearby building, I lose focus, and *SNAP!*, I hit a trap. Now I can no longer move, I jump in fear at the sound of and recognition of the bear trap ruining my evening. I crawl into the building and post up, hoping I'm not found. THAT, is what this game is about. Those moments, legit fear and worry, really getting absorbed in the game. The barbed wire and sand bags is fucking stupid, it ruins the momentum and only benefits exploiters. But bear traps don't benefit exploters as much, as you can still crawl in and get loot. I can see a lot more legitimate reasons for bear-trapping than barbed wiring and sand bags.
  21. goblinshark

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I can almost agree with this. As someone who doesn't agree with server-hopping, sometimes I have felt like I want to do it when I finally find an unblocked building because otherwise it is simply an unfair advantage. To the people saying, "stup ur wying bro stup crying broh jus get tewlbawx." Why are you even on the forums? People should only be here for constructive criticism, praise, or help. You're just wasting forum space with worthless text. Barbed wire / sand bags are not innovative or refreshing. The only reason the mod has access to them is because it is based off of a military simulator. If you were introduced to this game fresh, you would not have thought off the top of your head, "oh barbed wire would be great!" The only reason people are attached to it now, is because it offers an extremely easy way to exploit, and shitty players love exploiting. I met a guy at work who plays this who is terrible at a lot of the games we play, and he quickly started bragging about his "awesome" strategy where he server hops to barbed wire locations. Why would you waste your time even? "I found this sick ass game. It's really cool - what you do is log onto a server, click the ground, then log off. You do this day and night until you get bored, and then you stop, it's awesome!"
  22. Any tips on how to do this? I noticed today that I load my game slower than my friends. We were on Steam, and they said, "alright where are you guys?" Every time they asked that after spawning, I had another 10-20 seconds of loading to do. Any ways to improve this? I'm on a 10k Raptor HDD, GTX 680, i5-2500k OC'ed to 4.5GHz. None of them have SSD's.
  23. goblinshark

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    To the people that think this mandatorily needs to be apart of the game, and uses "realism" of ANY sort as a backing - for some reason I just believe all of you are exploiters yourselves. In "real life," the odds of some arbitrary person lost in the apocalypse picking up and deploying a nice set of barbed wire is null. And even if they do, barbed wire is extremely easy to get over. This is not a good game mechanic, not with the way the server layout currently is. Removing them from the game is the best fix for now. I have never, once, seen someone legitimately block themselves off so they could stand up in a building and defend themselves. And to those of you saying, "OH BRAH JUS GHET A TEWLBUX N CUT EM ITS GRATE BROH." toolboxes are not always easy to find - sometimes they are, other times they are not. If everyone spawned with a mandatory piece of gear that could easily cut all wire, that would be fair. Just engage a 20-30 second timer for taking it down.
  24. goblinshark

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    You clearly are a server-hopper and non-constructive poison to the developmental community for this game. I used to see a couple barbed wired / bagged areas after playing. But like any other exploit, it has become absurd. It's not even just the Firehouse / Supermarket/Deerstads anymore. It's ALL OVER. High yield medium yield low yield. If someone can incorporate it into their low-server-population-hopping routine, you will surely see barbed wire or bags. It's not "part of the game", nor is it "realistic." Like someone else in here said, I too have set up barbed wire in real life, and there's nothing that obstructive and defensive about it. The only time blocking off your own little area on the map would have been "realistic" and meaningful, is if you were only allowed on one server that loot didn't re-spawn on. That would mean people block themselves off for safety, because there would be no other benefit to blocking off things. But now, it's not about safety, it's about exploitation. Sometimes I spend 20 minutes trying to find a way to get over barbed wire so I can camp the building and shoot players that spawn in it. The players here aggressively logging on and saying that people are "bitching" and "whining" either 1) don't understand game logic and methodology for fluidity, or 2) are loot-blocking server-hoppers .